Truncate Log

  • How to truncate the Transation Log of a given database file by using a T-SQL script

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    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • hai Dinesh,

    You can use ,

    backup Log <database name> with truncate_only


    Backup Log <database name> with no_log


    this will not reduce the size of the physical log file






    The "Backup Log Truncate Only" command should be used  if you are out of disk space and can't backup the db. 

  • Thnk you all. simple thing great help

    My Blog:

  • after you had truncated the log file you can shrink the file by:



        ( { file_name | file_id }

            { [ , target_size ]

                | [ , { EMPTYFILE | NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY } ]



  • I truncate the log after the weekly maintenance tasks have run, where there is no production.  I do this because we archive the logs for HIPAA reasons, and I'd prefer not to save a 1GB transaction log that just records the maintenance tasks.  Then, I immediately back up the database. 

    There is a little risk, in that if the backup fails, I could have a problem the next (production) day, but, I've been lucky so far. 

    If someone knows of a better way, or a setting that won't log the maintenence transactions, let me know, please.  (I'm using the DB Maint plan rather than raw T-SQL scripts to do the weekly stuff.)

    So long, and thanks for all the fish,

    Russell Shilling, MCDBA, MCSA 2K3, MCSE 2K3

  • During your meintenance task, set you recovry model to SIMPLE




  • Now that would be a silly thing to do if the database is operational 24x7


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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