Troubleshooting a SP

  • I have a stored procedure that come off of 2 views. I run each view with the variable and I get data for each view. However when I run the stored procedure that combines the views. I don't get any data for some people and get all of the data for the other people.

    Meaning, I get a record with all of the data, or I get nothing,

    My thoughts are it's something with the join on the stored procedure but not sure, Could anyone add any thougths to this. The code won't make much since so I am not posting it at this point.

    Just would like to bounce some Ideas around.

  • Hi Stephen, Can you please post your code. It would be really difficult to assume what could go wrong based on your statement. If you could post the code that you are using, it would easy to see what is the problem and advise.


    Prasad Bhogadi

  • It seems to me that you are were doing an inner join of the two views, causing data for some person who has data in this view but no data in that view not showing up. I would suggest you do an full outer join instead.

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