October 2, 2011 at 4:47 pm
SSRS 2008R2
I have a report that runs perfectly in "Preview" in VS2008. When I run it in Report Manager I get this:
"An unexpected error occurred in Report Processing. (rsInternalError)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors"
First up, whereabouts in report server is the additional information?
The problem seems to have something to do with sorting and grouping in a tablix. I have an "Episode" group and one episode can have zero, one, or many "Events". The events (if they exist) are displayed in the "detail" group/row.
The episode group is grouped on the PK of the episode (ep_id). When I make sure the group is sorting on ep_id, it runs fine in Report Manager. Problem is this order is completely meaningless to the user. Sorting by anything else - or not sorting at all - causes the above error. Providing usersorts also causes the error (runs fine initially, then dies when sorting by any other column).
I've tried rebuilding the report from scratch - three times :w00t: - to no avail. As I say, runs no problems at all in preview.
Where do I start to troubleshoot this?
...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell
October 3, 2011 at 7:50 am
In a situation like this I find looking through the RS Trace files to be helpful. Trace files are basically log files the the Report Manager creates. You can find the trace files in
Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles
on your server.
October 3, 2011 at 1:51 pm
Turns out you were totally right. The trace files did hold enough clues to sort out the problem. The problem itself turned out to be a type conversion problem. Ep_id is numeric (15,0) and report manager was treating it as an int causing an overflow, whereas preview was not. Grouping by CLng(Ep_id) fixed the problem. Doesn't explain the frustrating inconsistency between preview VS2008 preview and Report Manager though.
...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell
October 3, 2011 at 2:35 pm
Cool, glad to help
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