Trouble using Coalesce with Grouping

  • I am trying to use Coalesce to build a list of status bit values for a row grouped by device eg 1, 0, 1, 1 - meaning that there were 4 status events for this device and the second one failed.

    I can get this to work on a simple query but not with grouping or partitioning.

    Any ideas?

    Sample Code follows



    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDeviceStatus](

    [DeviceId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [CheckDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [Status] [bit] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into tblDeviceStatus values (4,'1/1/2010',1)

    insert into tblDeviceStatus values (5,'1/1/2010',1)

    insert into tblDeviceStatus values (4,'1/2/2010',1)

    insert into tblDeviceStatus values (5,'1/2/2010',0)

    insert into tblDeviceStatus values (4,'1/3/2010',1)

    insert into tblDeviceStatus values (5,'1/3/2010',1)

    select * from tbldevicestatus

    -- This very basic version works and gets me what I want - a delimited list of the status entries in date order = 1,0,1

    DECLARE @StatusHistory VARCHAR(1000)

    select @StatusHistory = COALESCE(@StatusHistory + ', ', '') + CAST(Status AS varchar(5))

    from tblDeviceStatus

    where DeviceId =5

    order by Checkdate

    select @StatusHistory as StatusList

    -- but the following grouped by device version( what I really need) does not work

    DECLARE @StatusHistory VARCHAR(1000)

    select DeviceId, (select @StatusHistory = COALESCE(@StatusHistory + ', ', '') + CAST(Status AS varchar(5))) as StatusList

    from tblDeviceStatus

    Group by DeviceId

    order by Checkdate


    Desired resultset


    4 1, 1, 1

    5 1, 0, 1


  • A commonly used trick to concatenate values of a column is to use a FOR XML PATH('') subquery, i.e.



    -- Use STUFF to delete the first comma


    ',' + CAST(Status AS CHAR(1))


    tblDeviceStatus s


    s.DeviceId = ds.DeviceId

    FOR XML PATH(''))

    , 1, 1, '') StatusList


    tblDeviceStatus ds

    Note that the above code only works properly with numeric data. If you have to concatenate a (N)(VAR)CHAR column you have to deal with entitization. Lookup entitization on this site for an explanation of that.


  • Thanks, That works like a champ!

    I don't yet understand why but I will learn.

    Thanks again


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