Troubeshooting SQL Mail

  • Hi

    First of all I hope that Yucon has a better system !

    Our SQL Mail profile should be ok. But when we want to send :


    Have a

    EXEC master..xp_startmail

    EXEC master..xp_sendmail

    @recipients = '',

    @message = 'test',

    @subject = 'Order van een blocked dealer'

    EXEC master..xp_stopmail

    it doesn't work. Anybody has any idea ???

    Kind regards

    El Jefe


  • What is the error that you receive?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • It simply doesn't work. The query analyzer is running for about 15 minutes. Then I kill the job.


    Kind regards



  • Don't bother with the xp_startmail, xp_sendmail will also start the mail session.


    Try logging on to the server using the sql service account, then go into outlook, check the profile is ok, and send a test email to make sure that everything is working.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • The crucial things are that the sql server service and the sql agent service be running under a domain service account.  Your SQL Server must have connectivity to your Exchange server.  Your SQL Server must have the Outlook client installed and whoever installs it should be logged on the server as the domain service account that is running SQL.  Last, the Outlook profile must be created for that service account.

    These articles are pretty good:;EN-US;263556,;EN-US;311231,;en-us;315886.  Good luck!

  • Log in to Outlook using the id u've given to SQL Server agent. and try sending mails manually. If you can't, you have a problem with oulook itself. else you don't have a problem of oulook, need to check mapi setting.

  • I think the troubleshooting steps already given will help you isolate the problem.

    As a side note, SQL 2005 (Yukon) will have an SMTP based mail solution which will eliminate the need for Outlook on your SQL Server and the associated problems of MAPI running in the SQL address space.


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