Trnsactional Replication in SQL 2000

  • I am having issues with transactional replication and my maintenace plan.  When my maintenace plan (optimization and integriity) runs it blows up my replicated db transaction log. I am not sure how to handle this situation. We are running SQL 2000 sp4.  We are running into space issue, lack there of.  I need to run the optimization and integrity checks but I cannot run out of room. The db we are replicating is in simple recovery model.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Carol,

    This isn't my script - I got it on this site. But it works for the optimization side.

    EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="DBCC DBREINDEX ('[yourdb].?') WITH NO_INFOMSGS CHECKPOINT"

    BACKUP LOG WUMS WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY -- There should be nothing to truncate

    DBCC SHRINKFILE (yourdb_Log',500) -- You can adjust for a minimum log file size




  • Quick question, what WUMS stand for? Is a generic name? I used this script in the past, but I stated the Log name.

    Another quick one, can youo shrink your log as much as you possible can after the snapshot has been created?

    Thank you

  • YOu can shrink the log as much as you want, however keep it in reasonable proportion to the Data file 

    WUMS is our testdb name. My bad.

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