Trimming Left and Right of side of cell

  • Hello all,

    I am looking for a script to trim the left side and right of a cell. I can trim either side but not at the same time. Any ideas would help. Trying to trim both sides of column1.

    Select right(column1, 37) as new_Column1

    from table1

  • Are you looking for LTRIM/RTRIM for whitespace trimming, or some form of SUBSTRING() manipulation to grab the center of actual text? We'll need some more details to help you on this.

    - Craig Farrell

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  • I just posted a reply not sure if it went through.

  • Thanks Craig Farrell,

    THe column is a (nvarchar(255),null)

    The column read as: 'Update record GUID{1231jk-2322yy-2883487-dhe33}'

    I can trim the left side giving me the result: '1231jk-2322yy-2883487-dhe33}'

    But I need only the GUID: '1231jk-2322yy-2883487-dhe33'



  • Like this?

    DECLARE @testdata nVARCHAR(255)

    SET @testdata = N'Update record GUID{1231jk-2322yy-2883487-dhe33}'


    SUBSTRING( @testdata, CHARINDEX( '{', @testdata) + 1, CHARINDEX( '}', @testdata) - CHARINDEX( '{', @testdata) - 1)

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Craig,

    Will this also work on a column and not just the cell?

  • Replace @testdata with your column name and you should be good to go.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Yes, I did that but it is still only trimming the GUID that I list in the

    SET @ACTIVITY = N'updating records for GUID {121212-12121h-121233-dhf3}'

    This is the only result I get back that is trimmed. I would like to apply this on the entire column.

    Thanks again for all your help.

  • If you want to know all about the SUBSTRING function, it's covered at If you have any questions about it, that's a good page to read.

  • Thanks Ed, that help solved the problem.

    Thanks, Clarence

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