TRIMing the entire table in one shot

  • Hi Guys,

    Is there any statement by which we can remove all the leading and trailing white spaces from all the fields of a particular table. I am using SQL Server 7.

    Right now I am removing these spaces manually for every record(and hence coloumn) that I am inserting into my table as follow:

    INSERT INTO login_info(login,password,email) SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(email)) from Master where login=@manualIndex

    Is there anyway by which I can elimiante the multiple LTRIM,RTIRM from my SQL statement.


  • you can do them all in one shot by removing the where login=@manualindex. Other than that it's hard to shorten the code.

  • can you give the exact SQL statement to achieve after removing 'where login=@manualindex' from the above statement.

  • As RGR said, just remove the where clause statement from your original statement - that way it will execute on all the records in the table.

    INSERT INTO login_info(login,password,email)

    SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(email)) from Master

  • well thank you guys for your replies. Actually the statement that you guys suggested:

    INSERT INTO login_info(login,password,email)

    SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(login)),LTRIM(RTRIM(email)) from Master

    In the above statement, I have to write LTIRM,TRIM for every coloumn name. And this is what I would like to eliminate???

    I hope this clears the questions more.

  • I already answered that. It can't be done correctly.

  • This might be a case in which it makes sense to use dynamic SQL.

  • Why????? You got a magic way to call a function without printing its name??

  • sounds like what you really want is a function to trim off the leading and trailing blanks.  Sql doesn't come with one but you can make your own

    create function dbo.MyTrim

        (@TrimThis varchar (8000))

    returns varchar(8000)



    return rtrim(ltrim(@trimthis))


    then just call it as you would a normal function

    update mytable

        set col1 = mytrim(col1),

            col2 = mytrim(col2)....

    but you still have to list every column you want to trim in your update or insert statement.  check out the script library there are some nice scripts for building this kind of statement.

  • As I said... this is actually slower to run because you run it in a function (however so slightly). And you still have to type it for every column... as far as cutting and pasting is conserned, no time is saved there either.

  • Thank you guys for the suggestion. I guess I will have to go the usual way.

    BTW, how can I access the script Library. Just curious.


  • its on the Resources menu at the top of the form

    or go straight there

  • Blue menu on the top - Ressource - Script

  • Don't necessarily recommend it.. but here is how its done...

    Replace your_table_name_here with table name. check the output... change type list if necessary...

    When you are ready to run, uncomment the exec statement... I commented it out for safety sake.


    DECLARE AllColumsAllTables CURSOR



        SELECT AS Column_Name, AS Table_Name

        FROM dbo.syscolumns a

        JOIN dbo.sysobjects b ON =

        WHERE b.xtype = 'U'

          and a.xtype in (175,167) -- types char and varchar

          and = 'your_table_name_here' 

        ORDER BY,

    DECLARE @columnname varchar(40)

    DECLARE @tablename varchar(40)

    declare @strSql nvarchar(1000)

    OPEN AllColumsAllTables

    FETCH NEXT FROM AllColumsAllTables INTO @columnname, @tablename

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


     IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)


            set @strSql = 'Update ' + @tablename + ' Set ' + @columnname + ' = ltrim(rtrim('+@columnname+'))'

            print @strSql

            --exec sp_executesql  @strSql


     FETCH NEXT FROM AllColumsAllTables INTO @columnname, @tablename


    CLOSE AllColumsAllTables

    DEALLOCATE AllColumsAllTables



  • wow looks like that might work. Thanks for the effort. How do you get the number 175,167 for char and varchar. What if I had 'number' as type. Where do you get these codes from


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