Triggers and Rollbacks

  • I'm trying to import data into a dozen different tables, and if I hit any kind of error, I issue a rollback (to the beginning). My problem is that there are audit triggers on several of the tables and my rollback doesn't affect them. Consequently, whenever I hit a snag and have to do a rollback, the audit tables no longer match (and I have to clean them out as well). Is there a workaround for this?

  • It's been my experience that triggers are rolled back along with the rest of the tran.  What kind of import are you doing?  What kind of triggers are you using?

  • Do you have an over-arching BEGIN TRAN before you do the first insert?  If so, and as I understand it, a rollback will roll back EVERYTHING that occurred up to that point, including any trigger activity that may have occurred since the BEGIN TRAN statement.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • If you're nesting transactions, be aware that only the last commit actually does anything.

    Here's how it works in SQL/Server:

    Begin transaction - If @@trancount = 0, sets up transaction processing

                              Always increments @@trancount by 1

    Commit Transaction - If @@trancount > 1, decrements @@trancount by 1

                                 If @@trancount = 1 commits everything to the database.

    Rollback transaction - Rolls back all work so far

                                  sets @@trancount to 0

    See for a description of transaction nesting and a warning about using Begin/end transaction in triggers

    When unrolling nested transactions you'll need code like this in your error handler

    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 1

        COMMIT -- Looks crazy, but all it does is decrement @@trancount

    IF @@TRANCOUNT = 1

        ROLLBACK -- Rollback only at last level

    This will prevent errors like 266 (Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRAN

    is missing.)


    Best Regards,

    Otto Schreibke

    The future is a foreign country, they do things differently there.
    (Stolen from Arthur C Clarke)

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