Triggers and ASP pages

  • Hi to all,

    I encoutered the next problem;

    I created a trigger which fires 'for insert, update' starting a job which fires a stored procedure (which create / drops databaselinks and jobsteps dynamicly accordingly to the content of the table involved). If I execute this as a simple insert / delete statement form SQL Analyzer it all works fine, however...

    If I insert a row using an ASP webpage it inserts the row, fires the trigger but raises an error it CAN NOT find the JOB ( which has to be activated by the trigger). Permission are all set as it should be and ownership is ok also.

    What went wrong???


    The Netherlands

  • Does your ASP page use SQL Authentication or Windows Authentication?

    I've found that in some cases I have to fully qualify a stored procedure name with the database.owner.storedprocedure.

  • David,

    Eventualy it seems to be a permission problem.

    Its was not the Windows authentication neither the IIS operant authentication but the SQL user and password using the FORM settings ( preferences / options / new connection / select connection / alter / advanced ).

    Setting this to SA ( the same as the JOB owner ) it all works fine.

    I hope someone picks this up and solve his problem with this outcome.

    Thanks to all who where willing to help on this ( even reading this )


    The Netherlands 

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