trigger to update a table based on event in

  • I have an page that is updating a table and I need to consider a trigger that will perform and update to another table at the same time as the below UPDATE event. I need for another table tblTransactions to have two fields updated "AllocatedYN" needs to get a value of 'Yes' and and "AllocatedDate" needs today's date. Is this possible with a trigger?




    connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:TrackITConnectionString %>"

    selectcommand="SELECT * FROM [tblSWJournal]"

    UpdateCommand="UPDATE [tblSWJournal]

    SET [Allocated] = 'Yes'

    WHERE [Allocated] = 'No'">


  • Yes

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • Yes, but it would be far better to have your page call a stored procedure which performs both updates...


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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