Trigger to find caller stored procedure

  • I have an amount column on a table that sometimes is being updated with four decimals instead of the regular 2 for amounts. Apparently that number is calculated but I haven't been able to locate how or where. So, I thought on creating a temporary trigger to check when it is updated but I don't know how to get the name of the caller procedure. Anyone can help pointing to where to find the variable that contains it. And what other variables are available.

    Here is what I have so far:

    CREATE TRIGGER AmountWith4Decimals

    ON receipts



    if update (receiptamount)

    if round(receiptamount,2) > receiptamount


       EXEC master..xp_sendmail  @recipients =  MyEmail,

        @subject =  'Amount with 4 decimals',

        @message =  'Amount has been created with 4 decimals by:' + StoredProcedureName



  • I had to make some changes to the trigger to make it work but now I am getting the name of the trigger instead of the stored procedure that made it go off.

    Here is the new trigger:

    ALTER TRIGGER AmountWith4DecimalsReceipts

    ON receipts



    set nocount on

    Declare @RAmount as money

    if update (Receiptamount)


    select @RAMount = ReceiptAmount from inserted

    if round(@RAmount,2) > @RAmount


       declare @mensaje varchar(200)

       set @mensaje = 'Amount has been created with 4 decimals by Procid: ' + object_name(@@procid) + ' SPID: ' + cast(@@SPID as varchar)

       EXEC master..xp_sendmail  @recipients =  MyEmail,

         @subject =  'Amount with 4 decimals',

         @message =  @mensaje



    set nocount off


    Is it possible to receive the name of the procedure being executed when the trigger went off?

  • Hi there,

    I can't think of a quick way which you can implement to find the name of the stored procedure that is causing the trigger to fire but you can nail down the application that is executing the stored procedure by using the app_name() function.

    Sorry about not being able to provide an exact answer but its a start...




  • If the amount column is to be accurate only upto 2 decimals wouldn't it be easier to just alter the column for precision ?!?!

    Another way that I can think of is to query the system tables to see how many stored procedures are modifying this table and then "eyeballing" them to find the culprit - I'm assuming, of course, that you don't have zillions of stored procedures all modifying the same column...

    Your query would be something like this:

    select, sc.text from syscomments sc
    inner join sysobjects so
    on =
    where so.xtype = 'P' and not like 'dt%' and
    sc.text like '%receipts%'

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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