Trigger to execute dbmail based on cloumn update.

  • SSC,

    SQL Server 2K5.

    I am workiing on creating a trigger to email a customer rep when a PO date column gets updated.


    Order header table has a PO number column and a created user column (userid). PO table has a PO date. User table has email address and userid coulmns.

    When the PO date column gets updated I want my trigger to email the created user an email notice to call the customer and tell them that their order will be late.

    This is what I have so far:

    CREATE TRIGGER xut_promdatechange

    ON purorddet



    DECLARE @@email varchar(255),

    @@ordnbr varchar(15)

    select @@email = c.EMailAddress, @@ordnbr = a.ordnbr

    from soheader a inner join updated b

    on a.custordnbr = b.ponbr

    inner join testmlsystem.dbo.Userrec c

    on a.Crtd_User = c.userid

    IF UPDATE(promdate)

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @@email,


    select "The PO date has been changed for order "+ordnbr".

    Please contact the customer with the new date"

    from soheader where ordnbr = @@ordnbr',

    @subject = 'Purchase order update';


    Can anyone help me with what I'm doing wrong?


  • First off, what is the problem? Is the trigger not working correctly or not working at all? Second, some sample data would help in solving the problem. Please read the link in my signature.

    How to post to get the best help[/url]

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