Trigger that send formatted mail

  • I am trying to implement this trgger and keep getting the following error--Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.

    i am  not sure what is causing this error; if i execute the query it works fine...

    Please help as this is so new to me...





    ALTER TRIGGER  Trigger_Insert_TitleOrd ON [dbo].[TitleOrdered]



     declare @Casedatauid int 

     declare @tableHtml VARCHAR(4000);


     SET @tableHTML =

     N'<H1>Title Work Request</H1>' +

         N'<table border="1">' +

         N'<tr><th>FileNumber</th></tr>' +

         N'<TR><th>ClientNumber</th></TR>' +

     N'<TR><th>Client</th></TR></tr>' +

     N'<TR><th>Address</th></tr>' +

         N'<TR><th>CountName</th></tr>' +

         cast((   SELECT  FileNumber = cd.casedatauid,       '',+'<BR>',

                     ClientNumber = cd.ClientNumber, '',+'<BR>',

                         Client = cl.ShortName  , '',+'<BR>',

                         Address = p.Address1+ '  '+ p.City +' '+ p.StateCode+' '+ p.ZipCode, '',+'<BR>',

                         CountName = co.CountyName

                    FROM casedata cd

                   inner JOIN property p on p.casedatauid=cd.casedatauid

      LEFT JOIN CLIENTS cl ON cl.ClientNumber = cd.ClientNumber

      LEFT JOIN COUNTIES co ON co.CountyUId = cd.CountyUId


                   WHERE cd.CaseDataUId= @CaseDataUId



        )AS VARCHAR(4000) ) +

        N'</table>' ;

     SELECT @tableHtml

     declare @body varchar(3000)

            SET @body = @tableHtml

      EXEC --master..xp_sendmail


                @recipients = '',

         @Copy_recipients ='',

                @subject = 'Title Work Request',

               @body =@tableHTML,



  • you have to many columns in your query and yet you are trying to assign them to @tableHTML

    see my example below



    @greeting varchar(12)

    --this will work because I am returning one column


    @greeting = (Select 'Hello World')



    --this will not work, because I am returning 2 columns


    @greeting = (Select 'Hello','World')




    Consider using a cursor to build your body

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • or rather just concatenate your columns with out bothering with the cursor



    'FileNumber = '+ cd.casedatauid + '<BR>' + ' ClientNumber = '+ cd.ClientNumber +

    '<BR> Client = ' + cl.ShortName +'<BR> Address = ' +p.Address1 + '  '+ p.City +'  '+ p.StateCode+'  '+ p.ZipCode  '<BR> CountName = ' + co.CountyName

    FROM casedata cd

    inner JOIN property p on p.casedatauid=cd.casedatauid

    LEFT JOIN CLIENTS cl ON cl.ClientNumber = cd.ClientNumber

    LEFT JOIN COUNTIES co ON co.CountyUId = cd.CountyUId

    WHERE cd.CaseDataUId= @CaseDataUId


    I may have missed a + somewherem, but i hope you get the picture. return all as one column

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • so how exactly would you include that in the body of the message??

  • you can assign the string to another variable which you then add it to your final variable

    set @details =   SELECT 'FileNumber = '+ cd.casedatauid + '<BR>' + ' ClientNumber = '+ cd.ClientNumber +

    '<BR> Client = ' + cl.ShortName +'<BR> Address = ' +p.Address1 + '  '+ p.City +'  '+ p.StateCode+'  '+ p.ZipCode  '<BR> CountName = ' + co.CountyName

    FROM casedata cd

    inner JOIN property p on p.casedatauid=cd.casedatauid

    LEFT JOIN CLIENTS cl ON cl.ClientNumber = cd.ClientNumber

    LEFT JOIN COUNTIES co ON co.CountyUId = cd.CountyUId

    WHERE cd.CaseDataUId= @CaseDataUId


    set @tableHTML = .... + @details + ..

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • this for sure is a rather hasty approach and it does'nt seem to work..

  • what do you mean by hasty approach, your aim is to return all the columns as one column so that you can assign them to your variable. did you get an error with the last script.

    if you are returning many rows consider using a cursor to go through the rows. How many rows are you returning?

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Your problem is your SELECT syntax in the nested query.  Your syntax is trying to assign multiple variables (FileNumber, ClientNumber, Client, etc), which you cannot do in a subquery.  I suspect you were trying to assign column names (not needed, but probably just to keep the code readable).  I beleive you want to have something like "SELECT cd.casedatauid as FileNumber, ...".

    Also, I think you are going to have a problem concatenating Unicode and ANSI strings.  You want Unicode for sp_send_dbmail, so I beleive you want @tableHTML to be NVarchar.  You are correct that the literals should be prefaced with N (like N'<table border="1">' ), but you need to make the CAST() also to NVarchar().

    And I do not think that you want the local variable @body ("declare @body varchar(3000)  SET @body = @tableHtml"), that may only confuse the argument in sp_send_dbmail.  If you want it in another variable, I suggest renaming the @body variable to something other than a argument name, just for readability.

    Hope this helps.


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