Trigger question

  • Greetings all. I need to capture the date a certain field is updated, so I put a simple update trigger on the table, and I thought I was done. I then realized that when a new record was added, which populated the field in question at the time of insert, it was not capturing the update time, because it was not an update. I changed the trigger to...

    ALTER TRIGGER tr_tblscheduled_lus_ecd_update

    ON tblscheduled_lus




    IF UPDATE(ecd)


    UPDATE tblscheduled_lus

    SET ecd_updated = GETDATE()

    FROM tblscheduled_lus s,

    inserted i

    WHERE =


    and it seems to work. My question is, will this trigger always know to populate ecd_updated whether an existing record is updated, or a new one is inserted? I tested it and it seems to work, but I may be missing something.

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  • It will work for inserts and updates.

  • As Steve replied, it will work on insert and update.

    One little remark:

    You only perform the extra update if the column is updated, meaning it is mentioned in the insert or update clause.

    This does not mean it actualy changed the contained value !

    from bol:

    Testing for UPDATE or INSERT Actions to Specific Columns

    You can design a Transact-SQL trigger to perform certain actions based on UPDATE or INSERT modifications to specific columns. Use UPDATE() or COLUMNS_UPDATED in the body of the trigger for this purpose. UPDATE() tests for UPDATE or INSERT tries on one column. COLUMNS_UPDATED tests for UPDATE or INSERT actions that are performed on multiple columns and returns a bit pattern that indicates which columns were inserted or updated.


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  • Thanks guys.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

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