• I have a Members table ( MemberNbr, Status1, Status2 ) from which I need to capture changes to Status1 and/or Status2.

    I believe a trigger for the Update event would work, but I need to capture CHANGES, not just updates.  Several member records could be updated simultaneously.

    In addition to the IF Update(Status1) or IF Update(Status2) statement in the trigger, how can I evaluate changes to either (or both) of those columns, especially if multiple records may be updated at the same time?


  • You may join tables inserted and deleted :

    FROM inserted i

    INNER JOIN deleted d ON i.MemberNbr = d.MemberNbr and (i.Status1 <> d.Status1 OR i.Status2 <> d.Status2 )


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Inside your trigger, you will have two tables: inserted and deleted.  The deleted table has the old values and the inserted has the new values.  So, you can evaluate the changes using these tables.

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Do you need to check for inserts also?

    create trigger trg_members_upd ON members



    declare @memberNbr int, @status1 int, @status2 int

    set @memberNbr = 0

    WHILE exists (select * from inserted where memberNbr > @memberNbr)


    SELECT @memberNbr = d.memberNbr,

    @status1 = d.status

    @status2 = i.status

    FROM deleted d INNER JOIN inserted on d.memberNbr = i.membernbr

    IF @status1 @status2

    record info


  • Sorry about the double post, stupid firewall.

    I like Sergiy's additional where comment i.status d.status

  • I think Sergiy's solution will fit the bill. Thank very much!

  • You can delete it >> Edit post, then delete at the bottom right.

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