Trigger in one database updates another database

  • Hi!

    i have two separated servers with sql 2005.

    I want to make a trigger in server A that updates/insert/deletes on server B.

    How do i do this ?

  • Try to do it with linked server, simple link server B to the A and try to execute trigger referring the link server


  • What are you trying to copy from server A to server B? Just a few columns of a few rows whenever table X gets updated on server A? Or entire tables/databases or their changes on a regular scheduled basis? If it is the former, Dugi's suggestion may be OK (although I hate triggers more than cursors, hehe, not applicable here), but otherwise I would be looking at some form of replication if I were you.

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing (Alexander Pope)
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  • I really must caution you on this method. If server b is not available, or that database on server b is not available, or there is a network problem the trigger will fail and the change will rollback.

    If you need to keep server B updated choose another method like log shipping or transactional replication instead. The method you are looking at it rife with downsides and potential issues..


  • I have to jump on the bandwagon for this one as well. In the past, I've seen situations where triggers writing to linked servers caused severe production problems to the point that the application eventually became unusable. We re-architected the solution to do more of a dump and sweep mechanism where the trigger wrote the data locally, and some other process (a scheduled job in our situation) then picked it up and processed it downstream.

  • Agreed,

    Triggers updating data on linked servers promote transactions to distributed and this opens a whole lotta new possibilities of failure, mainly related to availability of the servers, network stability, firewals, and MSDTC. An asynchronous process is a much safer option. Not sure, but perhaps you could also set up replication on this table.



    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • Thanks a lot. So i guess i have to consider a lot of facts first.

  • I'm going to pile on here as well. A trigger should NOT be used to update data on another server or really do any action outside the database (cross database on the same server is probably okay). In your case you want to look into Service Broker or roll your own queuing process.

    I wrote an introduction to triggers article[/url] that I would recommend you read as it discusses this type of issue.

  • transactional replication it for large amount of data???

    I need to move a really small amount of data from server A to B. that´s what i thought in a trigger.

  • Then service broker sounds pretty good..


  • i will stay with the trigger idea and see how it works.

    My question now is how should the transact look to insert in one db from another.

    insert into databaseengine.db.schema.table.??

  • I really highly recommend AGAINST doing this in a trigger. It will not scale and it is rife with problems. Use Service Broker or use a trigger to insert the data into a local table, then have a job or a windows service to process that data and insert it into the linked server.

  • Ok. i´ll evuate the idea of using a aditional local table and a job.

    thanks for the advice.

  • so i know how to do what i´ve to do.

    But i really want to know how do i connect to diferent DB engines from diferent servers.


  • igngua (10/23/2009)

    so i know how to do what i´ve to do.

    But i really want to know how do i connect to diferent DB engines from diferent servers.

    thanks. can i do it ??

    ¿ just registering the engine in both servers ?

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