Trigger error and comments on it ?

  • Hello,

    I have multiple triggers which do similar things, like updating some summary field of one table based on values/number of records in another table. They all have similar design. I don't do triggers each day since I have to do web forms/c# too. So I'd like to ask you where is the design wrong / ok. This triggger is to keep tbl_GLAccount.Balance (money) field in sync with sum(AmountDebit-AmountCredit) by tbl_GLTransaction for Account. There is an error somewhere: A couple of times during a day Balance field of an account does not match sum of it's transactions.

    Here is the trigger, I added debug info to it, since it fails time to time. Error apperars to happen when a SP opens (sql) transaction and does multiple insert/update (Status = 'D' e.q. deleted) in it's loop on tbl_GLTransaction and finally Balance gets out of sync with one transaction Sum not added to Balance.

    It calculates difference on Insert/Delete or re-counts Balance on Update and then updates tbl_GLTransaction. I'd already removed "with (nolock)", hope it might fix problem. Thank you

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_AccountBalance]
    ON [dbo].[tbl_GLTransaction]

    set nocount on
    begin try    

        declare @TriggerMessage varchar(max), @TriggerId int, @CurrentDateTime datetime = getutcdate()

        select @TriggerId = isnull(max(TriggerId), 0) + 1
        from uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog

      declare @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER table(EventType nvarchar(30), Parameters Int, EventInfo nvarchar(4000) )

      declare @my_spid varchar(20)
      set @my_spid = CAST(@@SPID as varchar(20))
      insert @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER
      exec('DBCC INPUTBUFFER ('+@my_spid+')')

      select @TriggerMessage = replace(EventInfo, '''', '''''') from @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        declare @Oper int
        select @Oper = 0

        -- determine type of sql statement
        if exists (select * from inserted) select @Oper = @Oper + 1
        if exists (select * from deleted) select @Oper = @Oper + 2

        select @TriggerMessage = '@Oper = ' + convert(varchar, @Oper)

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        if @Oper = 0 return -- No data changed

        declare @TomorrowDate date = dateadd(day, 1, convert(date, getdate()))
        declare @CurrentDate date = convert(date, getdate())

        -- transactions from both inserted and deleted tables
        declare @tbl_Trans table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int,
            AmountDebit money, AmountCredit money, "Status" char(1), TableType char(1))

        declare @tbl_AccountCounters table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int, Balance money)
        declare @IsChange bit = null

        insert into @tbl_Trans (FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", TableType)
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'I'
            from inserted
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'D'
            from deleted

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_Trans for xml path ('tbl_Trans'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            insert into @tbl_AccountCounters (FirmId, GLAccountId, Balance)
                select FirmId, GLAccountId, 0
                from @tbl_Trans
                group by FirmId, GLAccountId

            if @Oper = 1 or @Oper = 2 -- insert/delete
                update @tbl_AccountCounters
                set Balance = cnt.TransSum
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                    select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId,
                        isnull(sum((trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit) * iif(trans.TableType = 'I', 1, -1)), 0) as TransSum
                    from @tbl_Trans as trans
                    where trans.Status = 'A'
                    group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId
                ) as cnt on    ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                select @IsChange = 1
                if update(AmountDebit) or update(AmountCredit) or update(Status) or update(GLAccountId)
                    update @tbl_AccountCounters
                    set Balance = cnt.TransBalance
                    from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                        (select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId, isnull(sum(trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit), 0) as TransBalance
                        from dbo.tbl_GLTransaction as trans with (nolock)
                        where trans."Status" = 'A' and exists (select 1 from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac
                            where ac.GLAccountId = trans.GLAccountId and ac.FirmId = trans.FirmId)
                        group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId) as cnt on    
                            ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                    select @IsChange = 0

            select @TriggerMessage = '@IsChange = ' + isnull(convert(varchar, @IsChange), 'null')

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_AccountCounters for xml path ('tbl_AccountCounters'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            if @IsChange is not null
                update tbl_GLAccount
                set tbl_GLAccount.Balance = iif(@IsChange = 1, cnt.Balance + acc.Balance, cnt.Balance),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdate = getutcdate(),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdatedBy = 1
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as cnt join dbo.tbl_GLAccount as acc with (nolock) on
                    cnt.FirmId = acc.FirmId and cnt.GLAccountId = acc.GLAccountId
                where cnt.Balance <> isnull(acc.Balance, 0)
        end try
        begin catch
    --        if XACT_STATE() = -1 rollback tran

            declare @ErrorLine varchar(max)
            select @ErrorLine = uManageDb.dbo.udf_GetErrorInfo()

            insert into uManageDb.dbo.tbl_TriggerError ("Name", "Message", CreateDate)
            values ('AccountingDB..trg_AccountBalance', @ErrorLine, GETUTCDATE())
        end catch

  • slava_th - Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:03 PM


    I have multiple triggers which do similar things, like updating some summary field of one table based on values/number of records in another table. They all have similar design. I don't do triggers each day since I have to do web forms/c# too. So I'd like to ask you where is the design wrong / ok. This triggger is to keep tbl_GLAccount.Balance (money) field in sync with sum(AmountDebit-AmountCredit) by tbl_GLTransaction for Account. There is an error somewhere: A couple of times during a day Balance field of an account does not match sum of it's transactions.

    Here is the trigger, I added debug info to it, since it fails time to time. Error apperars to happen when a SP opens (sql) transaction and does multiple insert/update (Status = 'D' e.q. deleted) in it's loop on tbl_GLTransaction and finally Balance gets out of sync with one transaction Sum not added to Balance.

    It calculates difference on Insert/Delete or re-counts Balance on Update and then updates tbl_GLTransaction. I'd already removed "with (nolock)", hope it might fix problem. Thank you

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_AccountBalance]
    ON [dbo].[tbl_GLTransaction]

    set nocount on
    begin try    

        declare @TriggerMessage varchar(max), @TriggerId int, @CurrentDateTime datetime = getutcdate()

        select @TriggerId = isnull(max(TriggerId), 0) + 1
        from uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog

      declare @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER table(EventType nvarchar(30), Parameters Int, EventInfo nvarchar(4000) )

      declare @my_spid varchar(20)
      set @my_spid = CAST(@@SPID as varchar(20))
      insert @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER
      exec('DBCC INPUTBUFFER ('+@my_spid+')')

      select @TriggerMessage = replace(EventInfo, '''', '''''') from @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        declare @Oper int
        select @Oper = 0

        -- determine type of sql statement
        if exists (select * from inserted) select @Oper = @Oper + 1
        if exists (select * from deleted) select @Oper = @Oper + 2

        select @TriggerMessage = '@Oper = ' + convert(varchar, @Oper)

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        if @Oper = 0 return -- No data changed

        declare @TomorrowDate date = dateadd(day, 1, convert(date, getdate()))
        declare @CurrentDate date = convert(date, getdate())

        -- transactions from both inserted and deleted tables
        declare @tbl_Trans table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int,
            AmountDebit money, AmountCredit money, "Status" char(1), TableType char(1))

        declare @tbl_AccountCounters table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int, Balance money)
        declare @IsChange bit = null

        insert into @tbl_Trans (FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", TableType)
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'I'
            from inserted
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'D'
            from deleted

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_Trans for xml path ('tbl_Trans'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            insert into @tbl_AccountCounters (FirmId, GLAccountId, Balance)
                select FirmId, GLAccountId, 0
                from @tbl_Trans
                group by FirmId, GLAccountId

            if @Oper = 1 or @Oper = 2 -- insert/delete
                update @tbl_AccountCounters
                set Balance = cnt.TransSum
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                    select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId,
                        isnull(sum((trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit) * iif(trans.TableType = 'I', 1, -1)), 0) as TransSum
                    from @tbl_Trans as trans
                    where trans.Status = 'A'
                    group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId
                ) as cnt on    ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                select @IsChange = 1
                if update(AmountDebit) or update(AmountCredit) or update(Status) or update(GLAccountId)
                    update @tbl_AccountCounters
                    set Balance = cnt.TransBalance
                    from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                        (select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId, isnull(sum(trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit), 0) as TransBalance
                        from dbo.tbl_GLTransaction as trans with (nolock)
                        where trans."Status" = 'A' and exists (select 1 from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac
                            where ac.GLAccountId = trans.GLAccountId and ac.FirmId = trans.FirmId)
                        group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId) as cnt on    
                            ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                    select @IsChange = 0

            select @TriggerMessage = '@IsChange = ' + isnull(convert(varchar, @IsChange), 'null')

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_AccountCounters for xml path ('tbl_AccountCounters'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            if @IsChange is not null
                update tbl_GLAccount
                set tbl_GLAccount.Balance = iif(@IsChange = 1, cnt.Balance + acc.Balance, cnt.Balance),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdate = getutcdate(),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdatedBy = 1
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as cnt join dbo.tbl_GLAccount as acc with (nolock) on
                    cnt.FirmId = acc.FirmId and cnt.GLAccountId = acc.GLAccountId
                where cnt.Balance <> isnull(acc.Balance, 0)
        end try
        begin catch
    --        if XACT_STATE() = -1 rollback tran

            declare @ErrorLine varchar(max)
            select @ErrorLine = uManageDb.dbo.udf_GetErrorInfo()

            insert into uManageDb.dbo.tbl_TriggerError ("Name", "Message", CreateDate)
            values ('AccountingDB..trg_AccountBalance', @ErrorLine, GETUTCDATE())
        end catch

    What's the actual error msg..?

    First solve the problem then write the code !

  • TheCTEGuy - Monday, October 16, 2017 2:59 AM

    slava_th - Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:03 PM


    I have multiple triggers which do similar things, like updating some summary field of one table based on values/number of records in another table. They all have similar design. I don't do triggers each day since I have to do web forms/c# too. So I'd like to ask you where is the design wrong / ok. This triggger is to keep tbl_GLAccount.Balance (money) field in sync with sum(AmountDebit-AmountCredit) by tbl_GLTransaction for Account. There is an error somewhere: A couple of times during a day Balance field of an account does not match sum of it's transactions.

    Here is the trigger, I added debug info to it, since it fails time to time. Error apperars to happen when a SP opens (sql) transaction and does multiple insert/update (Status = 'D' e.q. deleted) in it's loop on tbl_GLTransaction and finally Balance gets out of sync with one transaction Sum not added to Balance.

    It calculates difference on Insert/Delete or re-counts Balance on Update and then updates tbl_GLTransaction. I'd already removed "with (nolock)", hope it might fix problem. Thank you

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_AccountBalance]
    ON [dbo].[tbl_GLTransaction]

    set nocount on
    begin try    

        declare @TriggerMessage varchar(max), @TriggerId int, @CurrentDateTime datetime = getutcdate()

        select @TriggerId = isnull(max(TriggerId), 0) + 1
        from uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog

      declare @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER table(EventType nvarchar(30), Parameters Int, EventInfo nvarchar(4000) )

      declare @my_spid varchar(20)
      set @my_spid = CAST(@@SPID as varchar(20))
      insert @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER
      exec('DBCC INPUTBUFFER ('+@my_spid+')')

      select @TriggerMessage = replace(EventInfo, '''', '''''') from @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        declare @Oper int
        select @Oper = 0

        -- determine type of sql statement
        if exists (select * from inserted) select @Oper = @Oper + 1
        if exists (select * from deleted) select @Oper = @Oper + 2

        select @TriggerMessage = '@Oper = ' + convert(varchar, @Oper)

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        if @Oper = 0 return -- No data changed

        declare @TomorrowDate date = dateadd(day, 1, convert(date, getdate()))
        declare @CurrentDate date = convert(date, getdate())

        -- transactions from both inserted and deleted tables
        declare @tbl_Trans table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int,
            AmountDebit money, AmountCredit money, "Status" char(1), TableType char(1))

        declare @tbl_AccountCounters table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int, Balance money)
        declare @IsChange bit = null

        insert into @tbl_Trans (FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", TableType)
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'I'
            from inserted
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'D'
            from deleted

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_Trans for xml path ('tbl_Trans'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            insert into @tbl_AccountCounters (FirmId, GLAccountId, Balance)
                select FirmId, GLAccountId, 0
                from @tbl_Trans
                group by FirmId, GLAccountId

            if @Oper = 1 or @Oper = 2 -- insert/delete
                update @tbl_AccountCounters
                set Balance = cnt.TransSum
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                    select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId,
                        isnull(sum((trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit) * iif(trans.TableType = 'I', 1, -1)), 0) as TransSum
                    from @tbl_Trans as trans
                    where trans.Status = 'A'
                    group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId
                ) as cnt on    ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                select @IsChange = 1
                if update(AmountDebit) or update(AmountCredit) or update(Status) or update(GLAccountId)
                    update @tbl_AccountCounters
                    set Balance = cnt.TransBalance
                    from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                        (select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId, isnull(sum(trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit), 0) as TransBalance
                        from dbo.tbl_GLTransaction as trans with (nolock)
                        where trans."Status" = 'A' and exists (select 1 from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac
                            where ac.GLAccountId = trans.GLAccountId and ac.FirmId = trans.FirmId)
                        group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId) as cnt on    
                            ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                    select @IsChange = 0

            select @TriggerMessage = '@IsChange = ' + isnull(convert(varchar, @IsChange), 'null')

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_AccountCounters for xml path ('tbl_AccountCounters'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            if @IsChange is not null
                update tbl_GLAccount
                set tbl_GLAccount.Balance = iif(@IsChange = 1, cnt.Balance + acc.Balance, cnt.Balance),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdate = getutcdate(),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdatedBy = 1
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as cnt join dbo.tbl_GLAccount as acc with (nolock) on
                    cnt.FirmId = acc.FirmId and cnt.GLAccountId = acc.GLAccountId
                where cnt.Balance <> isnull(acc.Balance, 0)
        end try
        begin catch
    --        if XACT_STATE() = -1 rollback tran

            declare @ErrorLine varchar(max)
            select @ErrorLine = uManageDb.dbo.udf_GetErrorInfo()

            insert into uManageDb.dbo.tbl_TriggerError ("Name", "Message", CreateDate)
            values ('AccountingDB..trg_AccountBalance', @ErrorLine, GETUTCDATE())
        end catch

    What's the actual error msg..?

    No error message, just sum of amounts in transaction table does not match Balance on an account table after a serie of trigger runs.

  • slava_th - Monday, October 16, 2017 1:23 PM

    TheCTEGuy - Monday, October 16, 2017 2:59 AM

    slava_th - Saturday, October 14, 2017 1:03 PM


    I have multiple triggers which do similar things, like updating some summary field of one table based on values/number of records in another table. They all have similar design. I don't do triggers each day since I have to do web forms/c# too. So I'd like to ask you where is the design wrong / ok. This triggger is to keep tbl_GLAccount.Balance (money) field in sync with sum(AmountDebit-AmountCredit) by tbl_GLTransaction for Account. There is an error somewhere: A couple of times during a day Balance field of an account does not match sum of it's transactions.

    Here is the trigger, I added debug info to it, since it fails time to time. Error apperars to happen when a SP opens (sql) transaction and does multiple insert/update (Status = 'D' e.q. deleted) in it's loop on tbl_GLTransaction and finally Balance gets out of sync with one transaction Sum not added to Balance.

    It calculates difference on Insert/Delete or re-counts Balance on Update and then updates tbl_GLTransaction. I'd already removed "with (nolock)", hope it might fix problem. Thank you

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_AccountBalance]
    ON [dbo].[tbl_GLTransaction]

    set nocount on
    begin try    

        declare @TriggerMessage varchar(max), @TriggerId int, @CurrentDateTime datetime = getutcdate()

        select @TriggerId = isnull(max(TriggerId), 0) + 1
        from uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog

      declare @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER table(EventType nvarchar(30), Parameters Int, EventInfo nvarchar(4000) )

      declare @my_spid varchar(20)
      set @my_spid = CAST(@@SPID as varchar(20))
      insert @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER
      exec('DBCC INPUTBUFFER ('+@my_spid+')')

      select @TriggerMessage = replace(EventInfo, '''', '''''') from @dbcc_INPUTBUFFER

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        declare @Oper int
        select @Oper = 0

        -- determine type of sql statement
        if exists (select * from inserted) select @Oper = @Oper + 1
        if exists (select * from deleted) select @Oper = @Oper + 2

        select @TriggerMessage = '@Oper = ' + convert(varchar, @Oper)

        insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
        values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

        if @Oper = 0 return -- No data changed

        declare @TomorrowDate date = dateadd(day, 1, convert(date, getdate()))
        declare @CurrentDate date = convert(date, getdate())

        -- transactions from both inserted and deleted tables
        declare @tbl_Trans table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int,
            AmountDebit money, AmountCredit money, "Status" char(1), TableType char(1))

        declare @tbl_AccountCounters table (FirmId int, GLAccountId int, Balance money)
        declare @IsChange bit = null

        insert into @tbl_Trans (FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", TableType)
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'I'
            from inserted
            select FirmId, GLAccountId, AmountDebit, AmountCredit, "Status", 'D'
            from deleted

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_Trans for xml path ('tbl_Trans'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            insert into @tbl_AccountCounters (FirmId, GLAccountId, Balance)
                select FirmId, GLAccountId, 0
                from @tbl_Trans
                group by FirmId, GLAccountId

            if @Oper = 1 or @Oper = 2 -- insert/delete
                update @tbl_AccountCounters
                set Balance = cnt.TransSum
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                    select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId,
                        isnull(sum((trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit) * iif(trans.TableType = 'I', 1, -1)), 0) as TransSum
                    from @tbl_Trans as trans
                    where trans.Status = 'A'
                    group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId
                ) as cnt on    ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                select @IsChange = 1
                if update(AmountDebit) or update(AmountCredit) or update(Status) or update(GLAccountId)
                    update @tbl_AccountCounters
                    set Balance = cnt.TransBalance
                    from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac join
                        (select trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId, isnull(sum(trans.AmountDebit - trans.AmountCredit), 0) as TransBalance
                        from dbo.tbl_GLTransaction as trans with (nolock)
                        where trans."Status" = 'A' and exists (select 1 from @tbl_AccountCounters as ac
                            where ac.GLAccountId = trans.GLAccountId and ac.FirmId = trans.FirmId)
                        group by trans.FirmId, trans.GLAccountId) as cnt on    
                            ac.FirmId = cnt.FirmId and ac.GLAccountId = cnt.GLAccountId

                    select @IsChange = 0

            select @TriggerMessage = '@IsChange = ' + isnull(convert(varchar, @IsChange), 'null')

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            select @TriggerMessage = (select * from @tbl_AccountCounters for xml path ('tbl_AccountCounters'))

            insert into uManageDBLogs.dbo.tbl_TriggerLog (TriggerId, "Message", CreateDate)
            values (@TriggerId, @TriggerMessage, @CurrentDateTime)

            if @IsChange is not null
                update tbl_GLAccount
                set tbl_GLAccount.Balance = iif(@IsChange = 1, cnt.Balance + acc.Balance, cnt.Balance),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdate = getutcdate(),
                    tbl_GLAccount.LastUpdatedBy = 1
                from @tbl_AccountCounters as cnt join dbo.tbl_GLAccount as acc with (nolock) on
                    cnt.FirmId = acc.FirmId and cnt.GLAccountId = acc.GLAccountId
                where cnt.Balance <> isnull(acc.Balance, 0)
        end try
        begin catch
    --        if XACT_STATE() = -1 rollback tran

            declare @ErrorLine varchar(max)
            select @ErrorLine = uManageDb.dbo.udf_GetErrorInfo()

            insert into uManageDb.dbo.tbl_TriggerError ("Name", "Message", CreateDate)
            values ('AccountingDB..trg_AccountBalance', @ErrorLine, GETUTCDATE())
        end catch

    What's the actual error msg..?

    No error message, just sum of amounts in transaction table does not match Balance on an account table after a serie of trigger runs.

    I think I'd found my bug.
    It was in the last update's "where" clause.
    --where cnt.Balance <> isnull(acc.Balance, 0)
    it should have been where iif(@IsChange = 1, cnt.Balance + acc.Balance, cnt.Balance) <> isnull(acc.Balance, 0)
    I've decided to remove "where" at all for simplicity 🙂

  • I think that you are going to have to do some more work on this yourself.
    If you cannot provide some sort of detail or demonstration which describes the problems, how can you expect others to fix your code?
    My only comments at this stage are

    • You should remove the (nolock) hints, unless you are happy to accept the risk of phantom data, missed data and data read more than once in your query results.
    • Getting the next value in a series by doing select max() + 1 is sometimes going to result in collisions. Better to use an IDENTITY or SEQUENCE.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

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