Trigger blues...

  • So I have copied a 2000 backup to a 2005 server OS W2003, everything with the latest sp's. I restore this 2000 backup and next change the properties to SQL 2005(9) compatibility level. I start checking the database and notice some triggers are missing. I frown and decide to recreate a trigger which I scripted from my 2000 database. I receive an error: the trigger already exists...

    I check with sysobjects and notice it indeed does exists. I check the parent_object and notice this belongs indeed to the table the trigger belongs to. However, I cannot see the trigger in the object-exploder. I run a drop trigger and run the create script again. Now it runs without failure. However, the script is still not visible in object-exploder...

    What is hapening here? Other triggers in other tables show the same: exists in sysobjects, but not visible in object-exploder. Then again, there are tables with legal triggers, and visible in object-exploder. I have yet to find a pattern.

    Anyone has an idea what I can do to remedy this?

    Hans Brouwer

  • Hans

    are you sure your looking in the right place in SSMS? Triggers on tables are listed under DatabaseName>Tables>TableName>Triggers

    while Database Triggers are listed under DataBasename>Programability>DatabaseTriggers.


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Tnx for replying, but yes, I have looked under the tables=>triggers folder. I will do some testing later to see if the trigger responds at all.

    Hans Brouwer

  • I have solved the problem, but am not sure how...

    The tables with trigger-blues had a user-ownership or schema. Also, I migrated to SQL2005 with restoring a backup from SQL2000. Now I detached the database, copied it to the new server and attached it. Next I changed the schema's NOT being dbo with a script I found here:

    Then I changed compatibilitylvl to (90) and lo! now the triggers do show up in object-exploder...

    Again, I am not sure if yesterday I had a glitch, or what exactly is different, except for the backup and file migration.

    Anyways, the problem is solved.

    Hans Brouwer

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