tricky question... getting the job name to appear in the job step.

  • can you create a step which knows the job name thats running it?

    for example:

    say i'm a step, and i want to know what job

    i exist in... i then pass the name into a notification script

    that i'm executing.

    it's tricky, but i believe it can be done. but how??

    the only 2 table that 'might' be useful in this are

    sysjobs & sysjobsteps



  • Have a look in BOL at sp_add_jobstep. In particular, the description of the values you may use for @command includes a table that lists a number of tokens that you can use within the command. One of these is [JOBID] - using this, you should be able to find the name of the job from sysjobs.

  • On 2000, if your job step is a T-SQL step, the job_id appears in the master..sysprocesses.program_name column for the current @@spid. You'll have to parse it, and convert the string representation of a binary(16) to an actual binary type or uuid to join to msdb..sysjobs, but it can be done.

  • Google 'sql jobid sysjobs' and look at the hit from  This looks like having the code you need.

    Original author: 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • i'm checking it out now... i'll see what i can do

    with this:

    thanks for all the replies. i hope i can get this in play.



  • Nice find Ed. It's even in BOL under sp_add_jobstep. How've I missed that?

  • yes, but there isn't any real good example of the token use in there.

    sure they exist; but at least give me some thing to work with which

    bol isn't that great for.

    i'm using the following as reference.


  • i'm still having trouble getting the id transformed

    into the actual name, then passing that name into an smtp notification.

    the main goal here is to create a step (which really is an addition) to

    a larger set of steps. once the notifiy kicks off i have an @jobname

    variable basiclly using the agent token poped into the mail subject

    line so you know what job failed.

    thats it, but it's tough cause i can't seem to get the job name

    from within the step.


  • How are you kicking off the smtp mail? Via stored proc?

    declare @jobname varchar(1000)
    select @jobname = name from msdb.dbo.sysjobs where job_id = [JOBID]
    print @jobname
    exec sp_my_admin_email @jobfailed = @jobname
  • no... i basically have the same thing you

    got here, except my smtp is just below this script.

    it should technically work fine, but i'm still

    getting the following error.

    error: Invalid column name 'JOBID'

    this should work considering it's using the correct agent-token.



  • Can you script your job & post it?

  • i have since dropped the job while experimenting, but i do want

    to complete this soon.

    i'll post the script later this afternoon.... doing some other

    business with reporting services this morning.

    in the mean time... if you have a working job which

    presents captures the job name in some form of output like a .txt file

    i would be more than interested to see it.

    thanks for all your help by the way!


  • I also had some difficulty finding the solution to this problem, not helped by [JOBID] only working in SQL 2000, not in SQL 2005.

    See link ( or search for 'Using Tokens in Job Steps' in SQL 2005 BOL) for how to update SQL 2000 tokens to SQL 2005.

    I didn't find the above particularly useful but it may help someone else.

    Anyway, this is how I got the job name:-

    DECLARE @lnJobId binary(16), @lcJobName sysname

    SELECT @lnJobId = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, $(ESCAPE_NONE(JOBID)))

    SELECT @lcJobName = [name]

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    WHERE job_id = @lnJobId

    SELECT @lcJobName [@lcJobName]

  • excellent post, but just tried this, and having some issues.

    don't suppose you can script out the job in it's entirety?

    i would like to see the whole thing if thats ok.


  • declare @jobid sql_variant    



    @jobid = convert(sql_variant,

    Substring(program_name, charindex('(job ', program_name)+5 , --50)

    (charindex(':', program_name)-1 )- (charindex('(job ', program_name)+5))


     from master.dbo.sysprocesses   (nolock)

     where spid= @@spid     

    SELECT        @jobid

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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