Tricky Query containing priority-based rules

  • Hello,
    I have this tricky number/analytical problem, which I think is illustrated best with a stock market analogy (simplified):

    Put easy, this table contains some companies and stocks. Both can be rated and there can be more than one rating values. A flag tells, if the rating is relevant/reliable and can be used.

    It's not required to distinguish between companies and stocks. That's why I put both into one table. Companies will be treated just like stocks to rate them. However, if a stock is not rated in a relevant way, then the appropriate company rating will be used.

    I failed at the more-complex combinations so far…


    No relevant (stock) rating available?
    --> Proceed with company rating and apply this to all of the group

    One relevant (stock) rating available?
    --> Use it

    Many relevant (stock) ratings available?
    --> Use the one from rank two (second-best rating/second smallest value)

    For the dear helpers, I have provided a table with some test data (not all possible combinations)

    Many Thanks in Advance πŸ™‚

    drop table if exists ratingDemo;
    create table ratingDemo (
     [id] bigint identity (1, 1) not null,
     [type] varchar(10) not null,
     [name] varchar(50) not null,
     [stockUID] int null,
     [companyUID] int not null,
     [relevant] bit not null,
     [rating] int not null
     constraint [pk_decisionDemo] primary key clustered
      [id] asc
    -- company ratings maybe used "stand-alone" or as a reference from stock ratings
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: one rating, not relevant', 100, 0, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: one rating, relevant', 200, 1, 1);

    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, none relevant', 300, 0, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, none relevant', 300, 0, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, none relevant', 300, 0, 3);

    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, one relevant', 400, 0, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, one relevant', 400, 0, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, one relevant', 400, 1, 3);

    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, many relevant', 500, 0, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, many relevant', 500, 1, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, many relevant', 500, 1, 3);

    -- just for completion: if there are more than two relevant ratings, always pick the second-best: 2 of 1,2,3
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, all relevant', 600, 1, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, all relevant', 600, 1, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('company', 'company: many ratings, all relevant', 600, 1, 3);

    -- to keep things simple: all stocks are bound to company 500

    -- since the stock is not rated in a way relevant to us, pick the according company's rating (rules apply)
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: one rating, not relevant', 1000, 500, 0, 1);

    -- the only rating available to this stock is relevant, use it (easiest case)
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: one rating, relevant', 2000, 500, 1, 1);

    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, none relevant', 3000, 500, 0, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, none relevant', 3000, 500, 0, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, none relevant', 3000, 500, 0, 3);

    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, one relevant', 4000, 500, 0, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, one relevant', 4000, 500, 0, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, one relevant', 4000, 500, 1, 3);

    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, many relevant', 5000, 500, 0, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, many relevant', 5000, 500, 1, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, many relevant', 5000, 500, 1, 3);

    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, all relevant', 6000, 500, 1, 1);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, all relevant', 6000, 500, 1, 2);
    insert into ratingDemo ([type], [name], [stockUID], [companyUID], [relevant], [rating]) values ('stock', 'stock: many ratings, all relevant', 6000, 500, 1, 3);

    -- expected result

     case stock.[stockUID]
      when 1000 then 0
      when 2000 then 1
      when 3000 then 2 -- second best, relevant rating of companyUID = 500
      when 4000 then 3 -- apply the one relevant to all of group (stock)
      when 5000 then 3 -- apply the second-best relevant to all of group (stock)
      when 6000 then 3 -- same as above
     end as expectedResult_rating,

     case stock.[stockUID]
      when 1000 then 'find appropriate company rating'
      when 2000 then 'use this'
      when 3000 then 'find appropriate company rating (and apply to all records of the same stockUID)'
      when 4000 then 'use the relevant one for all records of the same stockUID'
      when 5000 then 'use the second-best relevant for all records of the same stockUID'
      when 6000 then 'use the second-best relevant for all records of the same stockUID' -- same as above
     end as usedRule

    from ratingDemo stock
     stock.[type] = 'stock'
    order by
     stock.[relevant] desc,

    -- non-successfull attempt with a union
    -- tried to use window functions to gather additional information for later decisions

      -- one relevant stock rating: use it
      when (ratingData.relevant = 1) and (ratingData.ratings_available = 1) then ratingData.rating

      -- more than one relevant stock rating: use second-best
      -- apply [rating] from [rating_order] = 2 to all stocks with that UID ???
     end as finalRating
    from (

      -- number of relevant ratings present
      count(stock.[stockUID]) over(
       partition by
      ) as ratings_available,

      -- assign a rank to the rating's value (to pick the second-highest grade)
      row_number() over(
       partition by
       order by
        stock.[rating] asc
      ) as rating_order  
     from ratingDemo stock
      stock.[type] = 'stock'
      and stock.[relevant] = 1

     union all


      -- number of relevant ratings present
      count(company.[companyUID]) over(
       partition by
      ) as ratings_available,

      -- assign a rank to the rating's value (to pick the second-highest grade)
      row_number() over(
       partition by
       order by
        company.[rating] asc
      ) as rating_order  
     from ratingDemo company
      company.[type] = 'company'
      and company.[relevant] = 1

    ) ratingData


  • WITH stockRatings AS (
      SELECT stockUID,
        stockRatingCount = COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY stockUID),
        stockRatingOrder = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY stockUID ORDER BY rating ASC)
      FROM dbo.ratingDemo
      WHERE type = 'stock' AND relevant = 1 ),
    companyRatings AS (
      SELECT companyUID,
        companyRatingCount = COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY companyUID),
        companyRatingOrder = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY companyUID ORDER BY rating ASC)
      FROM dbo.ratingDemo
      WHERE type = 'company' AND relevant = 1 )
    SELECT, r.stockUID, r.companyUID, rawRating = r.rating, finalRating = ISNULL(s.rating, c.rating),
       ruleUsed = CASE WHEN s.stockRatingOrder = 2 THEN 'Second-best relevant stock rating'
            WHEN s.stockRatingCount = 1 THEN 'Only relevant stock rating'
            WHEN c.companyRatingOrder = 2 THEN 'Second-best relevant company rating'
            WHEN c.companyRatingCount = 1 THEN 'Only relevant company rating'
    FROM dbo.ratingDemo r
    LEFT JOIN stockRatings s ON s.stockUID = r.stockUID AND ( s.stockRatingCount = 1 OR s.stockRatingOrder = 2 )
    LEFT JOIN companyRatings c ON c.companyUID = r.companyUID AND ( c.companyRatingCount = 1 OR c.companyRatingOrder = 2 )
    WHERE r.type = 'stock'

  • Hey Scott
    Thanks a lot. I was quite sure, there's a more elegant way to solve this. I will check your solution. Mine is ridiculously long, complicated and hard to read. It even uses a view as a temporary helper. The only difference: i make the final list distinct. Every group (stock or company) will appear just once, either marked as relevant or not, but never mixed.

    Internal View:

    create view companyRating

    from (
        -- the sub-query garantes that every company will be listed either
        -- with one or more relevant ratings or one or more irrelevant ratings,
        -- never mixed; therefore we only need to check how many ratings are present later
            -- that's the rating which counts for its group
                -- one rating
                when (ratingData.ratings_available = 1) then 1
                -- many ratings
                when (ratingData.ratings_available > 1) and (ratingData.ratings_order = 2) then 1
            end as rating_candidate
        from (
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([companyUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'company'
                and [relevant] = 1
            union all
            -- add irrelevant only company ratings
            -- (companies that do not have any relevant ratings)
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([companyUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'company'
                and [relevant] = 0
                and [companyUID] not in (
                    from ratingDemo
                        [type] = 'company'
                        and [relevant] = 1
        ) ratingData
    ) companyRatings
        companyRatings.[rating_candidate] = 1

    Final Result (experimental):

    from (
            -- use company rating if there's no relevant stock rating
                when (ratingData.[relevant] = 0) then companyRating.rating_value
                else ratingData.rating_value
            end as rating_value,
            -- that's the rating which counts for its group
                -- one rating
                when (ratingData.ratings_available = 1) then 1
                -- many ratings
                when (ratingData.ratings_available > 1) and (ratingData.ratings_order = 2) then 1
            end as rating_candidate
        from (
            -- make sure that every group will be listed either
            -- with one or more relevant ratings or one or more irrelevant ratings,
            -- but never mixed;
            -- therefore we only need to check how many ratings are present later
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([stockUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'stock'
                and [relevant] = 1
            union all
            -- add irrelevant only ratings
            -- (groups that do not have any relevant ratings)
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([stockUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'stock'
                and [relevant] = 0
                and [stockUID] not in (
                    from ratingDemo
                        [type] = 'stock'
                        and [relevant] = 1
        ) ratingData
        -- use company rating's as fall-back/reference
        left outer join companyRating
            on companyRating.companyUID = ratingData.companyUID
    ) stockRating
        stockRating.rating_candidate = 1
    union all
    -- add companies as 'stand-alone' ratings
        null as [stockUID],
    from companyRating

  • I was able to re-phrase and extend my query with your help πŸ™‚

    with companyRatings as (
            -- that's the rating which counts for its group
                -- one rating
                when (ratingData.ratings_available = 1) then 1
                -- many ratings
                when (ratingData.ratings_available > 1) and (ratingData.ratings_order = 2) then 1
            end as rating_candidate
        from (
            -- make sure that every group will be listed either
            -- with one or more relevant ratings or one or more irrelevant ratings,
            -- but never mixed;
            -- therefore we only need to check how many ratings are present later
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([companyUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                        [rating] asc
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'company'
                and [relevant] = 1
            -- add irrelevant only ratings
            -- (groups that do not have any relevant ratings)
            union all
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([companyUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'company'
                and [relevant] = 0
                and [companyUID] not in (
                    from ratingDemo
                        [type] = 'company'
                        and [relevant] = 1
        ) ratingData
    stockRatings as (
            -- use company rating if there's no relevant stock rating
                when (ratingData.[relevant] = 0) then companyRating.rating_value
                else ratingData.rating_value
            end as rating_value,
            -- that's the rating which counts for its group
                -- one rating
                when (ratingData.ratings_available = 1) then 1
                -- many ratings
                when (ratingData.ratings_available > 1) and (ratingData.ratings_order = 2) then 1
            end as rating_candidate
        from (
            -- make sure that every group will be listed either
            -- with one or more relevant ratings or one or more irrelevant ratings,
            -- but never mixed;
            -- therefore we only need to check how many ratings are present later
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([stockUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'stock'
                and [relevant] = 1
            union all
            -- add irrelevant only ratings
            -- (groups that do not have any relevant ratings)
                [rating] as rating_value,
                -- number of ratings present
                count([stockUID]) over(
                    partition by
                ) as ratings_available,
                -- rating values order
                row_number() over(
                    partition by
                    order by
                ) as ratings_order
            from ratingDemo
                [type] = 'stock'
                and [relevant] = 0
                and [stockUID] not in (
                    from ratingDemo
                        [type] = 'stock'
                        and [relevant] = 1
        ) ratingData
        -- use company rating's as fall-back/reference
        left outer join companyRating
            on companyRating.companyUID = ratingData.companyUID
    -- filter & merge final result
    from stockRatings sr
        sr.rating_candidate = 1
    -- add companies as 'stand-alone' ratings
    union all
        null as [stockUID],
    from companyRatings cr
        cr.rating_candidate = 1
    order by

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