Trasnfering Data from Oracle to SQL

  • Hello Friends...

    I have made an application, which allows a User (Indentor) to request the Item/Goods to Purchase Dept. for procurement from market. My Application is based on ASP/SQL. But unfortunately same kind of application was made earlier which allows the user to fill in the Indent for procurement and is made in JSP/Oracle, but it is very primitive. Now my client say that for time being they would like to test my system and for that User need to do the entry in my application but its not online so they are doing the entry in old system. Now I have got a task to capture the data from Oracle and then make it available in SQL. Any suggestions for such kind of Data Transfer ????

    I will be very greatfull if you can guide me...



  • Hi,


    U can perform this task through DTS package of Sql Server.

    U can connect to ur Oracle server and tranfser all the tables.But let oracle create the table in the SQL System.



  • One isue that I know of is the midnight is 24:00:00 in Oracle and 00:00:00 in SQL Server. This can lead to dates being off by one day if only the day and no time is specified. If you are using DTS you can set up a transform to intercept any times that are 24:00:00 can convert them to 00:00:00. I seem to recall that you need to add or subtract a day as well.

    Dick Campbell

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