Transpose a column of values into a comma delimited list

  • Hi there

    I want to take a column of values and transpose them into a comma delimited list.
    This is a one off task and i want to avoid using table valued functions.

    My example data is

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'TempDB.dbo.#PartyDetail') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #PartyDetail

    Create table #PartyDetail

    ( PartyID int)

    Insert into #PartyDetail (PartyID)

    select 56814672 as PartyID


    select 56825090 as PartyID


    select 56817184 as PartyID


    select 56810267 as PartyID


    select 56825587 as PartyID


    select 56812603 as PartyID


    select 56835172 as PartyID


    select 56838276 as PartyID


    select 56824266 as PartyID

    I want to be able to output the following

    '56810267','56812603','56814672','56817184','56824266', '56825090','56825587','56835172','56838276'

    Please tell me how I can do this?


  • I have an example similar to that here.

  • BrainDonor - Tuesday, May 1, 2018 4:42 AM

    I have an example similar to that here.

    Hi Steve

    Brilliant that worked for me very well.
    I added the following to my script
    declare @PartyIDList2varchar(max)

    SELECT @PartyIDList2 = STUFF((SELECT ', ' + cast(partyid as varchar(20))

    FROM #HoldingDetail

    ORDER BY partyid

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '');

    Thank you very much for your help on this

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