Transform Data Task With Cursor

  • I have a Transform Data Task that uses a cursor to extract data and output it to a text file. When executed, the task output the results of the first pass of the cursor to the file but not any subsequent passes of the cursor.

    For example, if my cursor has three items and my select statement is being generated dynamically using the variable being passed by the cursor, only the intial values are output. Does anyone know how to get around this? I tried creating a temp table which works perfectly in QA but the Transform Data task does not like the temp table.

    declare @a INT

    declare My_Cursor cursor

    for select B

    from MyTable

    group by B
    open My_Cursor

    fetch next from My_Cursor into @A

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


     select *

     from MyOtherTable

     where C = @a


     fetch next from My_Cursor into @a


    close My_Cursor

    deallocate My_Cursor


  • Do you mind posting the real code?  I don't see anything wrong with this... and more so I really don't see the need to use a cursor in this case.


    You could replace the whole code with this :

    Select Whatever from (Select B from dbo.MyTable group by B) dtB inner join dbo.MyOtherTable MOT on dtB.B = MOT.C


    What do you need to do exactly?

  • declare @intCCentre INT

    declare @fltTotal FLOAT

    declare prod_totals cursor

    for select fintCostCentreID, sum(fdecHours)

    from tblExtract

    where fvchProductFamily <> '945'

    group by fintCostCentreID

    open prod_totals

    fetch next from prod_totals into @intCCentre, @fltTotal

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


     select fintCostCentreID,


     '80000165' as [Schedule],

     (sum(fdecHours) / @fltTotal) * 100 as [Value], ftntPeriod, fintYear

     from tblExtract

     where fintCostCentreID = @intCCentre

     and fvchProductFamily <> '945'

     group by fintCostCentreID, fvchProductFamily,

     ftntPeriod, fintYear


     fetch next from prod_totals into @intCCentre, @fltTotal


    close prod_totals

    deallocate prod_totals

    The reason for the cursor is because I am trying to sum the hours field i.e. get all rows relating to the particular cost centre and then sum up the hours. The results of this are then output to a text file.


  • I don't know what wrong... but have you tried this instead??

    while @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1

  • You should always try avoiding cursors. And here is how u can do it.

    select tblExtract.fintCostCentreID, tblExtract.fvchProductFamily,

     '80000165' as [Schedule], (sum(tblExtract.fdecHours) / fintCostCentreIDHours.fltTotal) * 100 as [Value], ftntPeriod, fintYear

     from tblExtract INNER JOIN (

     select fintCostCentreID as SumfintCostCentreID, sum(fdecHours) as fltTotal

     from tblExtract

     where fvchProductFamily <> '945'

     group by fintCostCentreID ) fintCostCentreIDHours On tblExtract.fintCostCentreID = fintCostCentreIDHours.SumfintCostCentreID

     where tblExtract.fvchProductFamily <> '945'

     group by fintCostCentreID, fvchProductFamily,

     ftntPeriod, fintYear

    Hope this helps.



  • Thanks Sreejith, that worked great!

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