Transferring SQL Server Logins

  • How do you normally transfer logins from a source server to a destination server, both SQL 2000?

    It seems that people normally use DTS Trasfer Logins task, but I have some issues using it. Some people simply transfer the master database as well, but it may cause some other problems.

    When using DTS Transfer Login task,

    (1) Is it possible to retain the source server's SID value after trasferring to destination? I sometimes use the sp_change_users_login stored procedure to re-map the users and logins, but I am wondering if we can transfer logins in a simpler way.

    (2) Does the login (SQL Server authenticated) have the same password as the source server after the transfer? If not how can we retain the password?


    Del Piero

  • 1) The answer is no.

    2) It should have the same password. But I don't have my test server configured in a way here I can use the task. Simply create a test user with a simple password and transfer to a test and verify the same.

  • Can't keep SIDs, but you can use sp_help_revlogin to script out and move logins with the same passwords.

  • here is one script, that works if you create a linked server to the server you want to copy the logon from:

    -- Setup a linked server called impserver from which the

    -- standard logins needs to be transferred. You can call it

    -- whatever you want & modify the linked server name also.

    declare @login sysname , @password sysname

    declare implogins cursor for

      select name , password

      from impserver.master.dbo.syslogins

      where isntname = 0 and charindex( 'repl_' , name ) = 0 and

            charindex( 'distributor' , name ) = 0 and name <> 'sa'

    open implogins

    while ( 'FETCH IS OK' = 'FETCH IS OK' )


     fetch implogins into @login , @password

     if @@fetch_status < 0 break

     exec sp_addlogin @login , @password , @encryptopt = 'skip_encryption'


    deallocate implogins


    Here is another script where rather than create a linked server you run this script on the server you are copying the logon from, the cut and paster the output to the new server and run:


    SELECT 'EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = ''' + loginname + ''''

    ,', @defdb = ''' + dbname + ''''

    ,', @deflanguage = ''' + language + ''''

    ,', @encryptopt = ''skip_encryption'''

    ,', @passwd ='

    , cast(password AS varbinary(256))

    ,', @sid ='

    , sid

    FROM syslogins

    WHERE name NOT IN ('sa')

    AND isntname = 0

    This script is easily adapted to only copy specific logins or only logins with a user in one particular database or whatever you need.  If you are using SQL 2005 you may need to adapt the sp_addlogin command to use the CREATE LOGIN format instead.


  • Yes, as Steve stated, sp_help_revlogin will help you perfectly...

  • sp_help_revlogin works great and is possibly the most useful script I have used.

    However remember it does not set default database, default language or asign any server roles so you may need to take these into account via scripts.

    DTS transfer login task does not assign server roles either. It sets defaultr language but seems unreliable on default database (does sometimes, others not). This might be why transfer login tasks often fail with 'unspecified error' message (v. helpful) even though logins have transferred. If anyone can throw any light on that would appreciate it.




  • Thanks all!

    Del Piero

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