Transferring SQL Server data to SAS ??

  • Is there a way to transfer SQL Server data to a .sas file based on the columns (and its associated data) retrieved from a standard select query? (the query could be retrieving data from one table or from multiple tables via table joins)

  • sql server can export data to excel, access or .txt files via DTS ....

    it works for you ?

  • 1. Create a system "Data Source" using the "ODBC Data Source Administrator" that points to your SQL Server database (e.g., "MySQLDatabase").

    2. In SAS, use a "libname" statement to connect SAS to your "Data Source":


    sql odbc datasrc='MySQLDatabase';

    Once you run this "libname" statement, you can refer directly to any table or view in your SQL database directly as if it were a SAS dataset. You don't really need to convert the data to a separate SAS dataset. If you do need or want to create a SAS dataset, then do the following:

    To create a SAS data file from a SQL view named "MySQLView", run the following data statement:

    data MySASData;

      set sql.MySQLView;


    This data statement will convert your SQL "view" to a SAS data file in your work folder. To convert it to a "physical" disk file, just use "data MyFolder.MySASData;" where "MyFolder" is the folder refered to by another "libname" statement, such as:

        libname MyFolder 'c:\MyData';

    Hope this helps.



    Denis W. Repke

  • I was reading this post and I wonder how does this work on DTS if I want the export it an SAS .xpt format. Also how can I establish a a connect SAS connection to SQL through DTS? Any advice? Thanks.

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