Transfering from Access to SQL server

  • I have a DTS package which is importing data from an access 97 database to an sql server 2000 one. I have 2 identical tables one in the access 97 database one on the sql server. The access 97 database gets updated with new imformation weekly, I then want to update the table in sql server to contain the new data. The problem arises as I am trying to import the data using a data transform task and want to import all the data after the maximum date in the sql server table. How do I use the maximum date from the sql server table on the access data base. I thought I could maybe use a lookup? or a global variable? but am not sure how.

    basically i want to import all the rows from the access 97 table to the sql server table which have a date greater than the maximum date in the sql server table.

  • Look into the data driven query task:

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Hi,

    I had a similar requirement for incrementally loading data into our DW and this is how I did it.

    To do this you will need a global variable and a dynamic properties task.

    1. Create the global variable and a dynamic properties task.

    2. In the dynamic properties choose your global variable and then the source of the global variable as SQL.

    3. Choose your SQL server connection in the dynamic properties window.

    4. Write the SQL statement to find the largest date. (ie. Select Max(date) From table1)

    5. Use a SQL statement as the source for you datapump task add the date criteria as aparameter like this. (Select * From table Where date > ?)

    6. Click the parameters button and select the parameter from the list.

    Hopefully this should work!


  • Hi,

    I used a similar approch as above:

    1. Create a Execute SQL Task connection SQL server and a global variable like Maxdate.

    2 SQL looks like select max(date) from etc

    3 Execute this first

    4 In the datapump transformation the script looks like:

    '  Copy each source column to the destination column

    Function Main()

    if DTSSource("Date") > DTSGlobalVariables("Maxdate").value then

     DTSDestination("Value") = DTSSource("Value")

     DTSDestination("Date") = DTSSource("Date")


    Main = DTSTransformStat_OK


    Main = DTSTransformStat_SkipRow 

    end if

    end function

    Maybe not the "best" solution but it works.

  • Excellent thank you, all sorted now. Knew I needed to use a global variable but wasnt quite sure how, cheers

  • Ok the problem I have now is that I have the date I want as my global variable, but the query that imports from access at some point sees it as american format so I get the wrong data imported. When I look at my global variable and my access data they are both in English format.

    I thought surrounding the date with #'s might but I dont seem to be able to do this.

    Any suggestions.

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