Transfer XML data to tables

  • Hi,

    I have an XML which needs to be transferred to tables. I don't have any specific table to transfer here. I just have an XML and test database. I wanted to transfer XML data to temporary table and then I wanted to utilize the temporary table data for my purpose. Is there any way that I can import the data from XML to table / tables (if XML has multiple nodes)?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Can someone help me on this? I am posting my XML file here






  • Can someone help me on this? I am posting XML here

    (?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    (?test-Property-Set EscapeNames="false"?>

    - (testMessage xmlns="" TimeZone="W. Europe Standard Time" SegmentationNewId="1+7CP4+0" IsPrimaryChange="" UserId="1-PMIZNX" SubsidiaryNewId="1-8471-22" SegmentationOldId="1+7CP4+0" SubsidiaryOldName="Germany" MessageId="1-12DR9S" SubsidiaryNewName="Germany" Action="Update" EntityName="testaccountPARTNER" IntObjectName="MSCRM testaccount Partner IO" MessageType="Integration Object" Source="test" IntObjectFormat="test Hierarchical" UserAlias="V-CHBEND" LastUpdated="03/18/2009 13:23:43" SubsidiaryOldId="1-8471-22">

    - (ListOftestaccountIo>

    - (testaccount xmlns="">


    (Created>11/21/2008 02:43:13(/Created>

    (Modified>11/24/2008 04:56:04(/Modified>



    (Description>Mayer &60x Office deployment(/Description>


    (MSClosedDate />


    (MSDueDate>04/18/2009 15:00:00(/MSDueDate>

    (SalesStageDate>11/21/2008 00:00:00(/SalesStageDate>


    - (ListOftestaccountPartner>

    - (testaccountPartner xmlns="" IsPrimaryMVG="Y">


    (Created>11/21/2008 03:12:40(/Created>


    (Comments />

    (CompetitorPartner />


    (MSPSP />



    (Outcome />



    (Rating />

    (Role />

    (ServicesRelationship />

    (SolutionName />







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