Transfer SQL 2000 logins to SQL2005

  • I always receive a error when attempting to use SQL 2005 SSIS to tranfer the logins from a SQL 2000 server to a SQL 2005 server. Is there a special or better way to do this?

  • you may want to try ...

    select 'exec sp_addlogin ['

    + name

    + '],'

    , password

    , ', @encryptopt=skip_encryption'

    from master..sysxlogins

    run it on your sql2000

    run the result on your sql2005


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  • You may also want to include the SID field to make sure your SQL logins are sychronized.  Also exclude Windows logins (password is null) and sa (sid is 0x01).  Just for fun, you might want to use the new CREATE LOGIN statement instead of sp_addlogin.  I have duplicate entries on some servers for SQL logins, the duplicates (with incorrect SID or password) have a dbid value of 0 and should be excluded.  (Possibly the result of creating logins in haste and then having to drop and re-add them later with the correct SID.) 


    'CREATE LOGIN ' + quotename(name) + ' WITH PASSWORD = ', password, ' HASHED, sid=', sid,

        ', DEFAULT_DATABASE = ' + quotename(db_name(dbid)) + ', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = ' + language

    from master..sysxlogins

    where sid <> 0x01 and dbid > 0 and password is not null

    DEFAULT_DATABASE and DEFAULT_LANGUAGE are optional, remove the second line if it causes problems (such as a default database that doesn't exist on the new server).

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