transfer HTML code into HTML file

  • Hi,

    I'm working on a report from sql and i write a script that give me the desired report and i insert it into a table and send it from the sql to my email.

    i have a problem with the html and the outlook that not support some code in the html and i need to take the html code from the column and insert it into an HTML file through the SQL.

    how i can achieve that?


  • Are you saying that outputting HTML from SQL doesn't email well?

    and the resolve you need to do is to put the HTML into a file and email the file ?

  • the output from the sql and send it direct to the email body isn't working like it work in a regular html file.

  • I'd run that through a VB script then - you can run the SQL query - output to a file and then use VB to set up the email to send out via SMTP.

    I do this for all my automated tasks ...

  • still how can i achieve that through the sql server?

  • JOB, STEP, VB script

    DTS and SSIS should be able to handle that as well.

  • can it be done somehow with the xp_cmshell that can take the table and insert it to html file?

  • possibly... but you might as well use bcp out and maybe try to edit the html file after is it's not 100% correct.

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