
  • Is there a way for me to tell how many transactions are written to each of my db in a certain time frame?

  • SQL Profiler has a SQL Transaction available in the "Available Event Classes". This tracks the BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVE statements associated with transaction.

    There is also the Transaction Log option that Tracks when transactions are written to the transaction log.

    You can then go into the Filters tab and choose a specific DB to trace the info for.

    this isn't a pretty solution and it would involve you counting them up, but i beleive it would help you find your answer.

    Regards, Jim C

  • You could probably backtrack using a log reader (Apex, Lumignt, LogPI), but not sure it would be an easy answer. Might need to run reports from their products and then aggregate that info in a table or Excel.

  • PerfMon has a Transactions/sec count in the SQLServer : Databases object, you can log a total or by database.


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

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