Transactional Replicatoin

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am trying to set-up transactional repliation to database DB1 from sever1 to server2 . The database "DB1" size is approximately 50GB so I have taken a backup of a database from server1 and restored the backup copy at server2 to avoid initilization of snapshot file from server1 to server2 which causes huge network traffic. Then later I configured server1 as publisher and distributor, and server2 as subscriber. So far everything is fine and set-up went smoothly but when I update a record in table1 (server1) then replication monitor was throwing error message that SP_MSins_table1 custom stored procedure is not existed similarly for update and delete records in table1(server1) the error messages are SP_MSupd_table1 and SP_MSdel_table1 custom stored procedures are not existed respectively. I did some research on this and found that I need to be run "sp_scriptpublicationcustomprocs" with @pulication on publication database. I executed the above stored procedure but still errors are not resolved. If anyone has gone through or have experience please help me.

    I really appreciate your help and time. if you want to contact me please call me at 317 410 8649.


    Bhushan Kalla

  • Execute sp_scriptpublicationcustomprocs on the publisher, take the results and execute on the subscriber... I think that is the step you are missing.


    ChrisB MCDBA OCP

    Chris Becker

  • Thank you Chris

    I will try this and let you know the results.



  • Thank you Chris

    I will try this and let you know the results.



  • Thank you Chris

    I will try this and let you know the results.



  • Hi chris,

    It worked and thanks alot

    Bhushan Kalla

  • Very good. There is a caveat with IDENTITY columns. You must comment out the update of the identity field in your sp_MS_upd_xxx stored procedures.

    Make sure NOT FOR REPLICATION set for IDENTITY columns also.


    Chris Becker

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