Transactional Replication - Snapshot Failing

  • Posted yesterday in the replication forum - no responses. Please help if you can. Thanks.

     We are trying to create a transactional replication between 2 db's in the same instance. Tables are identical and created from backups of the production DB's. When the subscription is initialized and the snapshot agent kicks off, it immediately fails with the error "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.". Table has 7 columns. char(8), 5 int, and a datetime. 150,000,000 rows. There are no computed columns, there is a unique index (clustered) on the char(8) and an int column. This identical configuration is currently running in production environment.

    Any ideas? We're stumped at this point.

    Update - Also backed up and restored from original production db, still getting the error when the snapshot is being created.



  • have u restored both Publisher and subscriber databases???

    that might cause problem to start the transactional replication..

    instead u restore only publisher database and create empty subscriber and then start off with the Transaction replication...

    This wud work for u.... can u try it out


    thank you



    Thanks ,


  • a snapshot normally overwites the subscriber, suggest you try with a blank subscriber database. Not really enough information which is probably why no-one responded.

    So did you go through the GUI and accept all default settings? Are you dropping and recreating subscriber objects?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Database is only partially replicated, so it can't be completely empty. The tables being replicated are being dropped and recreated. There are actually 4 articles, 3 of which are working perfectly with the identical configuration. Largest of the other 3 tables is 33,000,000 rows of data. Defaults are being accepted, as that's really what we are looking for.

    Thanks in advance

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