Transactional Replication Bursts Network Bandwidth

  • Randomly, once or twice a day, replication will burst to extremely high levels and stay for a period of time and then settle down. We have constant traffic all day long, no change in traffic through out the day. But at various times our bandwidth will go from 5 MB/S to 20 MB/S. Sometimes it will stay there for 15 minutes. One time it stayed there for 6 hours. There was no change in workload on sql server. Our IT departments has monitored that it is all from our publisher DB to our subscriber DB.

    The biggest problem is the ISP wants to upgrade us if we consistently us the 20 MB/S range.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • check your snapshot schedules, you might have a snapshot running several times a day

  • Are your distribution agents set to run continuously or do they run on a schedule?

    Have you monitored the perfmon counters for delivered commands & transactions per second to see what they're like normally vs. when you have a burst?

    What are your distribution agent values for CommitBatchSize and CommitBatchThreshold?

    Kendal Van Dyke[/url]

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