Transactional Replication

  • Hi,

    I have a question:

    I have setup Transactional replication and i want to know that users connecting to subscriber will disconnect automaticaly or will stay connected while any update happend to publisher side and data get replicated/copied to subscrider database/server?

    Users will disconnect or disconncet during replication.


  • Replication occurs on a schedule. Did you set up push or pull replication?

    Your post doesn't make a lot of sense, so please carefully explain what you think is, or isn't, happening and what your question is.

  • I have not setup yet but i am saying if

    there are two server A and B,

    A server is publisher and B server is subscriber and users are connected to B server to select the data,when any update happens to A server on a table selected for replication the updated data will replicate to B server as well and at that time the existing connected users will stay connected to B server or they will be disconnected forcibly?I am not very clear about PULL / PUSH.

  • A couple of things. You aren't presenting your thoughts or question well. Your first post said "I have setup" Not to dwell on it, but if you don't phrase a question, or scenario, well, we can't understand what you need. And we can't communicate well.

    I do not think that you understand how replication works. From what you are describing, or what I think you are describing, you think the subscriber connects to the publisher like a client. That's not correct.

    A process reads the publisher's log and puts these transactions in the distributor. The subscribers then connect to the distributor using push or pull. Until the transactions are confirmed on the subscriber, they remain at the distributor.

    Please read this:

    Not because I don't want to help, but because I think you don't understand how replication works. Once you have gone through the overview, we can help you with specific questions.

  • Thank you very much,I will read this and will come back to you soon :).

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