Transactional Repl Error

  • Distribution agent job fails with below error message for Transactional replication.

    Cannot drop the table 'dbo.XYZ' because it is being used for replication.

  • DBA_007 - Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:38 AM

    Distribution agent job fails with below error message for Transactional replication.

    Cannot drop the table 'dbo.XYZ' because it is being used for replication.

    If there is a question here, it's very well hidden.

  • DBA_007 - Tuesday, July 18, 2017 11:38 AM

    Distribution agent job fails with below error message for Transactional replication.

    Cannot drop the table 'dbo.XYZ' because it is being used for replication.

    Usually it's because the table is already part of an existing publication.
    Or you restored the subscriber that was part of another replication.


  • yes, its a re-publisher

  • DBA_007 - Tuesday, July 18, 2017 12:32 PM

    yes, its a re-publisher

    There can be dozens of different things as it depends on what you are doing/changing, how that table is used, etc. etc.
    If you are adding or dropping articles, refer to this link:
    Add Articles to and Drop Articles from Existing Publications

    If you are changing properties for publications or articles, refer to this link:
    Change Publication and Article Properties

    If you are making schema changes, refer to this article:
    Make Schema Changes on Publication Databases

    If you are totally redoing a publication, drop the existing and then create the new publication. To drop the existing, refer to this article:
    How to: Delete a Publication


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