June 26, 2007 at 9:21 am
I having problems trapping a sendmail error. If XP_sendmail fails @@error is still 0. I need to run an update but only if the mail has been sent succesfully.
Please help many thanks
June 26, 2007 at 12:00 pm
Can you post your code?
If memory serves, xp_sendmail only returns a 0 or 1, and it considers 0 a success. I don't believe it populates the @@Error variable, as it considers the 0 and 1 a return value, not an error necessarily.
June 27, 2007 at 11:00 am
This is what I would do:
DECLARE @xp_status tinyint
EXEC @xp_status = master.dbo.xp_sendmail 'Recipient@email.here.com'
, @Subject = 'This is the Subject'
, @message = 'This is the Body.'
select @xp_status
P.S. One of the XPs (I don't remember which one off hand) returns the 0/1, but as a character, so I use a varchar(1) for that one.
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