Transaction Log restore(LOG SHIPPING)

  • Hi

    We have a database on sqlserver 2005 on a schedule for transaction log backups is in place already which is happening at interval of 30mins.All these transaction logs are appended to file called 'BKP' on E drive of our server. Now i have to configure logshipping for this database.Normally logshipping process will backup the transaction log,stores it in a shared folder on primary server and then copies the backupfile to another folder on secondary server and then restored ..plz correct me till now if im wrong.Now let us say our normal trans log backup schedule is as follows

    T1 at 9.30am

    T2 at 10.00am

    T3 at 10.30am

    T4 at 11.00 am

    Now i decided to schedule the log shipping transaction log backup interval once in 30mins and start transaction log backup at following intervals

    T11 AT 9.45am

    T22 AT 10.15AM

    T33 at 10.45AM

    T44 AT 11.15AM

    So T11,T22 etc these backups are restored on standby server sequentially.

    Now if Primary database goes down at 11.25am , then do i have to restore the Tlogs T1,T2,T3,T4 and make the Primary database up or i should restore T1,T11,T2,T22,T3,T33,T4,T44 for making my primary database UP..


    Arvind L

  • By default, a transaction log backup will truncate the transaction log. So, unless your normal backups use then NO_TRUNCATE option, you will need to restore all the transaction log backups to the secondary server.

    Hope that helps


  • John

    hi John

    Thanks for the jet speed response.

    So u mean to say T1,T11,T2,T22,T3,T33,T4,T44 are to be restored sequentially..RIGHT? the possible reason is if T1,T2,T3 are restored the Last LSN of T1 will not match with First LSN of T2..the reason is T11 transaction log is taken in between T1 & T2 and there is a discontinuity in that the reason JOHN?

    One more question about logshipping i have is during logshipping process the tlog backups are copied in to primary shared folder physically and will remain there as it is and copied to secondary and restored..and subsequent tlogs will also be stored on primary shared folder prior to copy and restore process?..

    so primary shared folder consists of bunch of transaction log backups right..plz clear this concept also..


    Arvind L

  • Hi,

    When a database is in log shipping and if u perform manual T-Log backups on the Primary Database, U can observer a abnormal behavior.

    The Behavior is like the Jobs the were run before the manual backup are successfully applied on the secondary server, where as the jobs that were applied after the manual backup are successfully executed and but not applied on the Secondary Server.

    Hope this Answer will help you.

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