Transaction Log Restore fails

  • I'm doing log shipping on SQL 2000 to a warm standby server and every night the main database backup succeeds as does a DBCC CheckDB. Problem however, is that by the second transaction log backup of the day (sometimes first sometimes second) I get the following error:

    Error: 3456, Severity: 21, State: 1

    Could not redo log record (23796:247:6), for transaction ID (0:32001060), on page (1:138023), database 'my_database' (8). Page: LSN = (22607:583:512), type = 1. Log: OpCode = 2, context 3, PrevPageLSN: (23796:236:6).

    I couldn't find much info about this in BOL or MSDN. Any thoughts as to why it couldn't roll forward a transaction etc.?

  • Thanks Andy, checked out the article and we're running SQL 2000 SP2. Also our Server is already on Full Recovery Mode. The interesting thing is that I switched the recovery model on that server from Full to Bulk-Logged for a couple of hours on Saturday while I did some bcp work, then switched it back to Full Recovery. The problems only surfaced on Saturday night's backup and have been there ever since. I ran ALTER DATABASE <DBNAME> SET RECOVERY FULL in Query Analyser... will let you know if probs still exist 2moro.



  • The actual problem turns out to be:;en-us;Q329487 incase anyone else suffers the same fate as myself.

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