Transaction Log is Full

  • Hi, I have a log file full from one of my databases, the disk where is allocated is full, Im trying to backup the file but it is not working.

    The log file appears full, i cant run a checkpoint or backup log, but a complete backup is running, what is wrong?

    why when i try to execute a checkpoint or other sentence an error that log is full appearr.

    Please help me.

  • hi, look at BOL for DBCC OPENTRAN, and see if you have any long running transactions , and kill it off if you have.  Or Look at Backup Log (IN BOL again) and look for the NO_LOG | TRUNCATE_ONLY option, as this may sort your problem


  • Can you manually backup the transaction log to another area/drive on the network (if not the server)?

    We have had this once before but it was when the transaction log was not being backed up often enough.  The transaction log 'ran away' and there was no room left on the server to do anything.

    Madame Artois

  • If you are in a hurry then you could always run sp_detach_db, delete the log file and then run sp_attach_single_file_db.

    Once you get the database up and running again then you need to make sure that the log is being truncated so that the problem doesn't happen again. 

  • Finally it works and I´ve created a new log file in other disk.


    Thanks all for your help.

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