Transaction Log growing

  • Well, gee - oooops, it seems my information about differential backups was somewhat inaccurate then. (Thanks Gail for pointing that out.:P) A differential backup is a backup of all pages changed since your last full backup.

    So, in the restore situation I described above, you would only need to restore your full backup + your most recent differential backup, not all differential backups since your last full backup.

    The original post has been edited to reflect this. 🙂

    Kind regards,

    Vegard Hagen
    Norwegian DBA, occasional blogger and generally a nice guy who believes the world is big enough for all of us.
    @vegard_hagen on Twitter
    Blog: Vegards corner (No actual SQL stuff here - havent found my niche yet. Maybe some day...)

    It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. (Chinese proverb)

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