Transaction log file Naming convention

  • Hi Guys,

    I am trying to find the Transaction log file Naming convention in sql server 2005. I am using the file name for getting some info and later found that time stamp values on the log file is different from the actual backup time..

    Can someone help me out on this?

    Thanks in adv


  • I think its normally databasename_log.ldf.

    However, could you please be brief on that...

    Thanks & Regards,

  • I think he is asking about the naming conventions used for naming the transaction log backup files, but I could be wrong.

  • I guess i was lil vaugue in my expln of the prob...

    Its like, i am trying to get the time stamp from the log backup file created by log shippin...

    and i found that the actual time stamp and time stamp on file are different...

    so, wanted to check if the timestamp on the filename is using any namin convention...

    or is it a bug?


  • The default naming for log backup files is:


    For example:


    I think that the timestamp part of the filename is usually the time when the backup completed. If you are doing a verify pass on the backup, then the last modification timestamp on the file might be a minute or two later then the filename. (Well, that's the way it looks to me.)


    Edit: fixed formatting. Memo to Self: use Preview button more often.

  • Better idea is to perform a RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = '...'

    With that you can find out all you'd ever want to know about the backup.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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