Transaction Log file does not shrink

  • Hi

    I have scheduled database back up once a week and the transaction log backup every four hours. But for no apparent reason the logfile backup did not fire for few days and the log file grew to 20GB and reached the upper limit i had put.

    I am at a loss to know why it is happening. Also, is there a way to find out if the backup job scheduled using Maintenance Plan failed to run (other than checking manually)?

    I re-scheduled the transaction log to run once an hour (it ran twice) then re-scheduled to run every 4 hours; Now it has shrunk the Trn.log to 128MB; Is there a way to find out what is causing this type of occurance?

    Any inputs would be appreciated.


  • Hi

    Are you scheduling the job from Sql Server Agent, you could check the job history there,  or run this query from Query Analyzer to find the problem....


    select as 'Name', h.run_date as 'Date', h.step_name as 'Step', h.step_id as 'No',h.message  

    from   msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory h  

    join   msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view  j on h.job_id = j.job_id 


     message like '%fail%'      -- LOOK FOR FAILED JOBS

    and name like 'YOUR JOB NAME'  -- PUT YOUR JOB NAME HERE

    and  convert(datetime,      -- WHERE THE JOB RAN IN THE LAST 2 DAY S



      >= dateadd(dd,-2,getdate()) 

    order by run_date desc


  • Hi there,

    Just a quick thought as I have had a similar occurance on scheduled jobs in general.

    Althought the scheduled job is enabled, when you click on the schedule tab, is the schedule enabled?

    Also, I'm assuming the job history was blank for the job?  Any errors?  Enough disk space on the backup drive?

  • If the job was scheduled and enabled, go the schedule tab of the job and check what day it was scheduled to start.


  • Also, when you right click on the job and select View Job History, the history window will have a check box for View Job Steps. Check that. Then you can see the actual step that failed. Also, look in the SQL Server Error Logs.


  • Here you go. Put this in your pipe and smoke it (in your master db and run it, that is).

    CREATE Procedure sp_trx_log_shrink (@MaxMinutes INT,
                                        @NewSize INT      )
    Title:               Shrink SQL Server Transaction Log Stored procedure
    Script               sp_trx_log_shrink.sql
    Purpose:             system proc based on 
                         INF: How to Shrink the SQL Server 7.0 Transaction Log  
                         Force shrink transaction log of current database to 
                         specific size.               
    Params:         @MaxMinutes = Max number minutes to run before stoppint 
                                    (recommend 2 at least)
                    @NewSize = New size in MBs of the log file after shrinking
                                    (recommend at least 10 MB in most DBs)
    Create/Update History: 
        10/31/2005 9:38:24 PM - GMilner: Pre-delete DummyTrans table if exists.
        3/9/2005 3:33:44 PM - GMilner: Converted to procedure.
        Assumes only 2 physical database files and that _Data file
            is file id 1 in sysfiles table and that log file is file id 2.
        Original Source: 
            Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 256650 ;
    DECLARE @err int
    DECLARE @LogicalFileName sysname
    DECLARE @DBN  as nVarchar(50)
    -- Setup / initialize
    DECLARE @OriginalSize int
    set @DBN = (select db_name()) 
    PRINT 'Database: ' +  @DBN
    SET @LogicalFileName = (SELECT FILE_NAME (2))
    PRINT 'Log logical filename: ' + @LogicalFileName
    PRINT ''
    EXEC sp_helpdb @DBN
    SELECT @OriginalSize = size -- in 8K pages
      FROM sysfiles
      WHERE name = @LogicalFileName
    SELECT 'Original Size of ' + db_name() + ' LOG is ' + 
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@OriginalSize) + ' 8K pages or ' + 
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),(@OriginalSize*8/1024)) + 'MB'
      FROM sysfiles
      WHERE name = @LogicalFileName
    IF OBJECT_ID('DummyTrans') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE DummyTrans
    CREATE TABLE DummyTrans
      (DummyColumn char (8000) not null)
    -- Wrap log and truncate it.
    DECLARE @Counter   INT,
            @StartTime DATETIME,
            @TruncLog  VARCHAR(255)
    SELECT  @StartTime = GETDATE(),
            @TruncLog = 'BACKUP LOG ['+ db_name() + '] WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY'
    -- Try an initial shrink.
    DBCC SHRINKFILE (@LogicalFileName, @NewSize)
    EXEC (@TruncLog)
    -- Wrap the log if necessary.
    WHILE     @MaxMinutes > DATEDIFF (mi, @StartTime, GETDATE()) -- time has not expired
          AND @OriginalSize = (SELECT size FROM sysfiles 
                               WHERE name = @LogicalFileName)  -- the log has not shrunk    
          -- IF thhe value passed in for new size is smaller than the current size...
          AND (@OriginalSize * 8 /1024) > @NewSize  
      BEGIN -- Outer loop.
        SELECT @Counter = 0
        WHILE  ((@Counter < @OriginalSize / 16) AND (@Counter < 50000))
          BEGIN -- update
            -- Because it is a char field it inserts 8000 bytes...
            INSERT DummyTrans VALUES ('Fill Log')  
            DELETE DummyTrans
            SELECT @Counter = @Counter + 1
          END   -- update
        EXEC (@TruncLog)  -- See if a trunc of the log shrinks it.
      END   -- outer loop
    SELECT 'Final Size of ' + db_name() + ' LOG is ' +
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),size) + ' 8K pages or ' + 
            CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),(size*8/1024)) + 'MB'
      FROM sysfiles 
      WHERE name = @LogicalFileName
    DROP TABLE DummyTrans
    PRINT '*** Perform a full database backup ***'
    IF @err  0 
            PRINT '*** SHRINK FAILED!!! ***'  
    IF @err = 0
            PRINT '*** Perform a full database backup ***'            

    G. Milner

  • Are you running replication on this database? If so, be sure your log reader is running. The transaction log will not empty unless the log reader has marked the transaction.

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