Transaction log expansions

  • Hi all,

    I got the following message which is related to SQL Server. I was wondering if anyone could explain to me what they mean?

    DBSPI-3266.1: # of transaction log expansions for NIManagementDB (5.00) too high.

    Thanks indeed


  • Niyala (10/6/2008)

    Hi all,

    I got the following message which is related to SQL Server. I was wondering if anyone could explain to me what they mean?

    DBSPI-3266.1: # of transaction log expansions for NIManagementDB (5.00) too high.

    Thanks indeed


    It sounds more like an error that was generated from a monitoring program and not from SQL Server. It is impossible for us to know why the log needs to grow, but we can take an “educated guess”.

    When you create a database, you can define the size of the database’s files (data and log) and how much the files will grow if they’ll run out of space. It looks like your log file has ran out of place few times and had to use the auto grow that was defined. This could be because of few reason. The most likely reason is that the database is defined as full or bulk-logged recovery model, but there are no log backups. If this is the case, then you should modify it to simple recovery model or start backing up the log (By the way if you don’t understand what is recovery model, you should read about it at BOL). Another reason might be that the log’s initial size is to small and so is the amount of space that you add to it when you let it grow. In this case you should increase both (the size of the file and the size of the chunk that it adds to the file when it runs out of space). The third option is that you are running one huge transaction. In this case you should break the transaction into smaller transactions.


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  • Hi,

    Thanks for your detailed explanation. I checked out the recovery model and it was set to simple recovery model. In addition, there is no backup of transaction log file. The log expansion is set to 10%. The option of full recovery model is not the case. Therefore, I still do not get clear picture about the problem. I appreciate if you could give me a hint so I get better understanding of this problem.



  • Hello,

    Sudden transaction log expansion may occur during Heavy T-SQL transactions.

    Your tool is monitoring this expansion with a defined threshold. When the expansion of transaction log is higher than the threshold it triggers an alert.

    Solution is to find the database and right size the logfile to reduce expansions lower than the threshold level.

  • Please note: 4 year old thread

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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