Transaction log backups

  • HI.We keep our transaction logs on a seperate drive from our data. We put our transaction log BACKUPS on the same drive as our data and I was wondering if it would be a bad decision to put our transaction log BACKUPS on the same drive as our actual transaction logs. The reason being, the drive that holds the transaction logs has alot of storage where the drive that contains the data is running tight on space. Is this a good idea or not? I'm still learning the ropes here, so any input is appreciated.



  • Not the greatest, but sometimes you have to make do. Two concerns. One is that you're doing more writes to the drives that the logs are on - how big a concern depends on what your io rate is, if the drive can handle it. The other is if the log drive fails, you lose your backups too.


  • Couple things. Andy is right, changing your risk there, though that depends on your physical layout. If your data and log drives are both the same physical RAID array (you are using RAID, right?), then it doesn't matter.

    Most modern controllers allow you to grow the array so you may be able to get more drives.

    And / Or: Go to SQL Litespeed. We had a large server with 48GB backups and we were running out of space on the backup drive (we had a separate array). We went to Litespeed and that 48GB backup is around 8GB. Saved lots of space. Can also compress your t-log backups as well.

    Steve Jones

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