Transaction ERROR

  • 7:31 this morning we get

    28042 Error: Exceeded the allow number of retries (configurable via the registry) on device.

    then we get

    MSSQLSERVER error 9002 Servity 17 State: 6

    The log file for database

    does anyone know how to help?

  • From BOL.

    "Error 9002

    Severity Level 19

    Message Text

    The log file for database '%.*ls' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space.


    The specified transaction log file has run out of free space.


    To gain more space, you can free disk space on any disk drive containing the transaction log file for the related database. Freeing disk space allows the recovery system to enlarge the log file automatically. Or you can gain space by adding or enlarging a log file for the specified database.

    Freeing disk space

    You can free disk space on your local drive or on another disk drive. To free disk space on another drive:

    Move the transaction log files with an insufficient amount of free disk space to a different disk drive.

    Detach the database by executing sp_detach_db.

    Attach the database by executing sp_attach_db, pointing to the moved files.

    Adding a log file

    Another solution is to add a log file to the specified database using the ADD FILE clause of the ALTER DATABASE statement. Or you can enlarge the log file using the MODIFY FILE clause of the ALTER DATABASE statement, specifying the SIZE and MAXSIZE syntax. Adding an additional log file allows the existing log to grow."

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