Trans Logs in the same File

  • I have a trans log backup that appends it's backup to the same file on the hour. When I restore the database using this single file that contains 7 log backups in it will it automatically restore all the logs or do I have to specify which ones? I did a practice restore earlier when it had two backups within the file and it restored with no problem. Are there any potential pitfalls with this backup method? Should I have 7 different files one for each backup? or keep it the same? TIA.

  • What you're describing sounds like a logical backup device with the backup set appended each time a log backup runs.  I believe you have to specify which backup set you want to restore from the device.  At least in Enterprise Manager, Restore defaults to the first file in the device.

    The drawback to appending backups to a device is if the backup device or physical file that the device is assigned to is damaged, you lose a series of backups, not just one.  That said, we append to backup devices in my shop and have not lost any yet. 



  • when are your full backups been taken ?

    I would recommend having separate T-Log backup files. Since you have 1 per hour, you could have 24 in a day, depending on when your Full backups are taken.

    YOu could also delete your old T-log backup files, if you have Full backups taken at a interval of 12 hours  in a day, or something like that.


  • I keep all my trans logs in one file.  The risk of damage to the file can be overstated, because if you were to have 7 seperate files, any of those could get damaged, and damage to any one would render the subsequent files useless.

    The file with the full b/u and the days transaction logs are backed up to tape every night.  The first transaction log b/u of the day wipes the previous days entries.  I have found this system to be very solid.  I have not had a problem with any test restores nor my one actual restore.   

    I have noticed that using the EP to restore can have SQL Server understand you want all restored, and that's pretty nifty.  I still tend to use the QA, in which case I have to specify the NO RECOVERY option until I post the last transaction log.

  • I backup to three different servers: 1 Full and 7 Trans Logs for 8 hours total to one server then the next two servers have follow the same setup for 24 hours worth of backups.

    RonKyle how do you specify what Trans Log you want when they are all in one file. I did a practice restore yesterday from QA and set the NO RECOVERY option after the RESTORE DATABASE but when you RESTORE LOG it's only one file you specify, does it restore all Logs contained within??

    After reading in depth yesterday I wanted to wipe out my previous days logs too but I am not sure how to go about it. I considered having the first trans log step backup with INIT and then the other steps with NO INIT. Not sure how to write 7 steps each backing up on a different hour. (Was thinking I will need two separate Jobs one for the  NO INIT and one for the WITH INIT)

    Thanks for your responses much appreciated!

  • My app isn't quite as intensive as yours, so you will need to make a few adjustments.  I make 5 log b/u's during the use cycle, and one as part of the full b/u (the latter I found necessary to ensure that my tests always worked).  The first 5 b/u's are at 10 am, 2, 6, and 10 pm.  Here's the TSQL for the step I call from a job:


         BACKUP LOG [db<Name>] TO

         WITH INIT, NAME=N'db<Name> Backup L'



         BACKUP LOG [db<Name>] TO

         WITH NOINIT, NAME=N'db<Name> Backup L'


    As for identifying the file to restore, I need a separate Restore statement for the full b/u and each t/l.  The first has FILE=1, the second FILE=2 and so one.  I have WITH NORECOVERY written for all but the last.  I have to remember to change that if I'm not restoring all of them.

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi,

    you can do the restore of all files in your container by using somthing similar to the following procedure:

    /* **********************************************************************************

    Procedure to restore TA-Logs into the Database

    Params: name of the file containing the TA-log(s)

    timelag in minutes for the recovery-database

    name of the database to restore into

    author: Karl Klingler

    date: 22. April 2004

    ********************************************************************************** */

    CREATE PROCEDURE restore_log_backups

    @backupfilepath sysname,

    @DBN sysname,

    @stop int


    -- declare variables

    declare @file smallint

    declare @lsn decimal(38,0)

    declare @minlsn decimal(38,0)

    declare @maxlsn decimal(38,0)

    declare @stopat sysname

    declare @msg nvarchar(2000)

    declare @cmd nvarchar(2000)

    DECLARE @oldfile int

    declare @backupstartdate datetime

    declare @hexlsn nvarchar(22)

    -- set defaults

    select @lsn = 0

    select @minlsn = 0

    select @maxlsn = 0

    select @oldfile = 0

    SELECT @msg = '--- Beginning to restore transaction logs...'


    -- convert timelag in minutes to datetime

    select @stopat= dateadd(mi,-@stop,getdate())

    -- create temporary tables

    --drop table #dblog1

    --drop table #backupfile_header

    select top 0 * into #dblog1 from ::fn_dblog( default, default )

    CREATE TABLE #backupfile_header


    BackupName nvarchar(128), BackupDescription nvarchar(255), BackupType smallint, ExpirationDate datetime, Compressed tinyint, Position smallint, DeviceType tinyint,

    UserName nvarchar(128), ServerName nvarchar(128), DatabaseName nvarchar(128), DatabaseVersion int, DatabaseCreationDate datetime, BackupSize numeric(20,0),

    FirstLSN numeric(25,0), LastLSN numeric(25,0), CheckpointLSN numeric(25,0), DatabaseBackupLSN numeric(25,0), BackupStartDate datetime, BackupFinishDate datetime,

    SortOrder smallint, CodePage smallint, UnicodeLocaleId int, UnicodeComparisonStyle int, CompatibilityLevel tinyint, SoftwareVendorId int, SoftwareVersionMajor int,

    SoftwareVersionMinor int, SoftwareVersionBuild int, MachineName nvarchar(128), Flags int, BindingID uniqueidentifier, RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier,Collation nvarchar(128)


    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

    -- get headerinfo from backupfile into table #backupfile_header

    insert #backupfile_header exec ('restore headeronly from disk = ''' + @backupfilepath + ''' ' )

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

    -- get current LSN of recovery-database

    insert #dblog1 exec (' use '+@dbn+' select * from ::fn_dblog( default, default )')

    select @hexlsn = (select min([Current LSN]) from #dblog1)

    select @lsn = master.dbo.lsn2dec(@hexlsn)

    SELECT @msg = 'Current LSN of database '+@dbn+' is ' + convert(nvarchar,@lsn) + '.'


    -- test if backupfile contains the needed TA-backup

    select @minlsn = (select top 1 FirstLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' order by FirstLsn)

    select @maxlsn = (select top 1 LastLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' order by LastLsn desc)

    SELECT @msg = 'The current LSN of DB '+@dbn+' is ' + rtrim(convert(char,@lsn)) + ', in the backup file ' + @backupfilepath + ' are LSN''s from ' + rtrim(convert(char,@minlsn)) + ' to ' + rtrim(convert(char,@maxlsn)) + '!'

    -- if not raise hell about it

    if @lsn @maxlsn

    RAISERROR ( @msg,10,1) with LOG, NOWAIT



    -- for all valid TA-backups in the backupfile: recover them, but only up until timelag

    while not ((select Position from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and FirstLSN@lsn)) is NULL


    -- get current LSN of recovery-database

    delete from #dblog1

    insert #dblog1 exec (' use '+@dbn+' select * from ::fn_dblog( default, default )')

    -- select @hexlsn = (select min([Current LSN]) from master.dbo.dblog where Operation = 'LOP_BEGIN_RECOVERY')

    select @hexlsn = (select min([Current LSN]) from #dblog1)

    select @lsn = master.dbo.lsn2dec(@hexlsn)

    SELECT @msg = '' + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + 'Current LSN in datenbase '+@dbn+' is ' + convert(nvarchar,@lsn) + '.'


    -- get fileposition

    select @file = (select Position from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and FirstLSN@lsn)

    -- same position twice means problems, break

    if @oldfile = @file begin

    SELECT @msg = '--- Restore finished, we tried twice to restore the same file position!'




    -- get and print some info about current recovery

    select @minlsn = (select FirstLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and position = @file)

    select @maxlsn = (select LastLsn from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and position = @file)

    select @backupstartdate = (select BackupStartDate from #backupfile_header where BackupName = 'SITESQL' and position = @file)

    SELECT @msg = 'Current backup file position is '+rtrim(convert(char,@file))+', first LSN is '+rtrim(convert(char,@minlsn)) + ', last LSN is ' + rtrim(convert(char,@maxlsn)) + '.'


    SELECT @msg = 'Stopat is "' + @stopat + '", BackupStartDate is "' + rtrim(convert(varchar,@backupstartdate)) + '".'


    if @backupstartdate > dateadd(mi,-@stop,getdate()) Begin

    SELECT @msg = '--No need to restore this backup, it was created at "' + rtrim(convert(varchar,@backupstartdate)) + '", '


    SELECT @msg = 'the restore stops at "' + @stopat + '". Finishing restore...'




    -- kick all users out of the recovery-db

    exec master..user_trennen @DBN

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

    -- do the actual recovery

    set @cmd = 'RESTORE LOG '+@dbn+' FROM DISK = ''' + @backupfilepath + '''

    WITH DBO_ONLY, STANDBY = ''e:\undo_'+@dbn+' .ldf'', STOPAT = ''' + @stopat + ''', FILE = ' + convert(varchar,@file)

    SELECT @msg = 'SQL-Command: "' + @cmd + '".'


    EXEC (@cmd)

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

    -- memorize fileposition

    select @oldfile = @file


    drop table #dblog1

    drop table #backupfile_header

    -- now no more backups in this backupfile

    SELECT @msg = 'No more transaction logs to restore out of the current backup file ' + @backupfilepath + '!. ' + convert(nvarchar,getdate())


    Print '--- Ending restore of transaction logs...'




    /* **********************************************************************************

    Procedure to kick users out of database

    Params: name of the database

    author: Karl Klingler (actually got it from somewhere else...)

    date: 22. April 2004

    ********************************************************************************** */

    CREATE PROCEDURE user_trennen

    @dbname sysname


    DECLARE @dbid int, @spid int, @execstr varchar(15), @waittime varchar(15), @final_chk int

    --Getting the database_id for the specified database

    SET @dbid = DB_ID(@dbname)

    --Get the lowest spid


    SET @spid = (SELECT MIN(spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid)



    --To avoid the KILL attempt on own connection

    IF @spid @@SPID


    --Killing the connection

    SET @execstr = 'KILL ' + LTRIM(STR(@spid))



    --Get the spid higher than the last spid

    SET @spid = (SELECT MIN(spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid AND spid > @spid)


    SET @final_chk = (SELECT COUNT(spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid)

    --New connections popped up, or killed connections aren't cleaned up yet, so try killing them again

    IF (@final_chk > 1)


    RAISERROR ('Killing users was not completely successful.', 16, 1)

    GOTO TryAgain


    /* ++++++++++++++++++++++++ END of Procedure user_trennen +++++++++++++++++ */


    regards karl

    Best regards

  • Ich kann Deutsch, aber die meisten andere Mitgleider koennen es wahrscheinlich nicht.  Kannst du bitte die auf deutschen Anweisungen uebersetzen?  Danke.

    I can read German, but most of the other members probably can't.  Can you please translate the instructions that are in German.  Thanks.

  • Hi,

    edited my prior post and added code of proc "user_trennen"...

    Best regards

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