Tranfer data into text file

  • Hi i have a job scheduled that runs every week, this job finally dumps the data in the text file. Now what i need to do is, once we get data in these text files i want to save a copy of those text files in another folder with the date extension. This should be done automatically by the job itself. I think i can do it with the active x script. Can anyone help me out.


  • FileSystemObject is what you want to look at.

    Have a look at this:

  • Hi thanks for your reply. Is there a way that the files get copied with the date extension to the name. I have tested the activex scripts mentioned in that url that you have mentioned but its giving me an error. This is what i did

    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

     Dim oFSO

     Dim sSourceFile

     Dim sDestinationFile

     Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     sSourceFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\Test1\test1.txt"

     sDestinationFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\Test2\test2.txt"

     oFSO.CopyFile sSourceFile, sDestinationFile

     ' Clean Up

     Set oFSO = Nothing 

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • What is the error?

    Do those directories exist?

    As far as including the date, you'd need the ActiveX equivalent of getdate() (which I believe is Now()), cast to a string and add that to the file name.

  • Hi when i am tried to Execute this is what i am seeing

    The number of failing rows exceeds the maximum specified

    Error Code 0

    Error Source: Microsoft VB Script Runtime error

    Error on line 13



  • This is what I could find on that:

    Best guess from where I'm sitting is to make sure the source file exists and that the destination directory(FileSystemObject.FolderExists&nbsp exists.

    You might also want to look at this:



  • This is how I am naming a file with the datetime stamp and moving it to a different directory:

    Function Main()

    ' Declare variables

    Dim oFSO

    Dim sSourceFile, sDestinationFile

    Dim sArchiveFile, dtMonth, dtDay, dtYear, dtHr, dtMIN, dtSec

    Dim TempFile, sWork, CurrentDateTime

    ' Set variables to current date/time

    dtMonth = month(now())

    dtDay = day(now())

    dtYear = year(now()) ' Always 4 digits

    dtHr = hour(now())

    dtMin = minute(now())

    dtSec = second(now())

    CurrentDateTime = Now()

    ' Make sure variables are using 2 digits.

    if len(dtMonth) = 1 then dtMonth = "0" & dtMonth

    if len(dtDay) = 1 then dtDay = "0" & dtDay

    if len(dtHr) = 1 then dtHr = "0" & dtHr

    if len(dtMin) = 1 then dtMin= "0" & dtMin

    if len(dtSec) = 1 then dtSec = "0" & dtSec

    ' Turn on Scripting

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' Set the archive file name to the current date/time

    sArchiveFile = dtMonth & dtDay & dtYear & dtHr & dtMin & dtSec & ".txt"

    sSourceFile = "\\Server\adt_recv$\cache_db_adt.txt"

    sDestinationFile = "\\Server\adt_recv$\cache_archive\" & sArchiveFile

    ' Move the file

    oFSO.MoveFile sSourceFile, sDestinationFile

    ' Clean Up

    Set oFSO = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • Thanks a lot for your reply. This code works perfect but have a question. actually its deleting the source file after copying to the destination folder. I want that source file to be present there with out getting deleted. can you please let me know.



  • Can you do the copy command instead of the move command?


  • Great !!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your help. This worked.

  • No prob...glad it helped you.

  • If you need to delete the archived files after a certain time period...I am doing that too. I only need to keep them one week.

    You could easily modify this to keep them for 90 days or whatever.


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    'Delete the files that are older than 1 week. JMR

    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

    Dim oFile ' Declare Variables

    Dim oFSO, InFolder, InFile, sqlFile, StartFolder

    StartFolder = "\\Server\sharename\directory\"

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Turn on Object Scripting

    Set InFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(StartFolder)

    Set InFile = Infolder.Files

    'Loop Through The Directory to delete files that are more than 1 week old

    For Each sqlFile in InFile

    'MsgBox StartFolder &

    If sqlFile.DateLastModified < (Date - 7) Then


    End If

    Next 'Get next file

    ' End of Directory Loop

    Set oFSO = Nothing ' Clean Up

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • When using dates and times in the filenames, I have found it convenient to have a format like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. This makes it much easier to sort the files by date and time. Here is a function that may help:

    Private Function FormatMyDateTime(dt)

        ' format as per the ISO standard:  yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

        ' The 'Right' function helps to ensure 2-digit values

        FormatMyDateTime = Year(dt) & "-" _

                & Right("0" & Month(dt), 2) & "-" _

                & Right("0" & Day(dt), 2) & " " _

                & Right("0" & Hour(dt), 2) & ":" _

                & Right("0" & Minute(dt), 2) & ":" _

                & Right("0" & Second(dt), 2)

    End Function

  • Nice!

    Thanks, I am a noob that is still learning.

    I appreciate your tips.

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