
  • SELECT @@TranCount

    SELECT @@TranCount As A INTO #A


            SELECT @@TranCount


    Why I am getting 2 in the table, basically it is inserting 2 in the table inspite there is no transaction.

    I know I should assign the value to a variable and then insert .

    I am not looking for a solution but an explanation



    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • OK disclaimer: I don't know

    But based on what I do know about SQL Server...

    Each statement is implicitly within a transaction.  That is that behind the curtain SQL is issuing a begin tran/commit-rollback around any INS/DEL/UPD/SEL statement. 

    So that would account for it being 1 greater than the first select @@trancount.

    Next I would guess that SQL2k treats the select into as a two step process way down deep: separating the select and the insert, which would account for the 2.

    That's my swag at it.

  • I know it's just an experiment but, ugh... if you end up counting transactions in your code, ya just might have a bigger problem with your application...

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  • I guess you're connected using implicit transactions.

    (or use an oledb.begintran statement which switches your connection to "implicit transactions)


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