Tranasctional Replication : The process could not connect to Publisher

  • Hi,

    I'm hitting a problem setting up transactional replication. When I try to set up the publication and it tries to do the initial snapshot, it fails with the error :

    The process could not connect to Publisher 'server_name'.

    The error detail is :

    [SQL-DMO]Row or column specified is outside the range of the specified query result set.

    (Source: server_name (SQL-DMO); Error number: 21268)

    I'm at a bit of a loss here, initially I thought it was security but I changed a few settings and got an authentication error. When I set it back to correct settings it gave the above error. The distributor is also the subscriber, but the publisher is a separate server at a remote location.

    I'm assuming this has something to do with the format of the data that a snapshot is being taken off, but I don't know which table its failing on. If I could get a bit more detail, I might actually get somewhere...

    Does anyone have any ideas???

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  • Can you ping the pub server from the distributor by servername?

    Since you haven't even successfully ran the snapshot, try to rebuild the publication - then run snapshot again.


    ChrisB MCDBA OCP

    Chris Becker

  • I actually found the solution. It's actually quite simple. The problem was that I was setting up replication with access to the remote server via enterprise manager, while this is possible, I was referencing the remote server with a different name to what it referenced itself. I wasn't seeing what the remote server was calling itself, only the name I referenced it by.

    Its one of those odd little things about SQL Server Replication. Both Servers have to reference each other by the same name.

    For example. Server A is a publisher. Server B is the distributer and subscriber. If Server B references Server A by any name other than what Server A references itself by (or by an alias that Server A recognises itself as), replication will not work.

    The reason I didn't know what Server A was calling itself because in enterprise manager I had Server A as an alias Server A wasn't using for itself. I ended up solving it, by adding the alias I use for Server A into Server A's remote servers. And hey presto suddenly the snapshot worked...

    Stupid naming!!!


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